Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cholesterol - Lower It Naturally

Cholesterol is mostly, the result of our food habits. Once your body shows a rise in the cholesterol level it is important to control it. Doctors administer medicines to control the condition, but there are ways to control cholesterol level naturally. Here five simple yet effective ways are discussed to help control your cholesterol level.

Diet- Diet, no doubt plays the most important part in deciding the degree of cholesterol level in human body. Consuming food items which have low saturated fats is essential to lessen the level of cholesterol in body. Saturated fats increase the degree of cholesterol. Cholesterol rich food products are harmful to human body and should be avoided or controlled. Once your diet is free from cholesterol rich food, the level of cholesterol in your body will naturally come down.

Consuming too many carbohydrates also is harmful to body. When there are a lot of carbohydrates present in your body they get deposited in your belly. They soon become fat. Fat deposits accelerate the degree of bad cholesterol.

Exercise- Exercise is the second natural way to bring down cholesterol level in human body. The good cholesterol or HDL rises in people who do regular exercise and LDL which is also known as bad cholesterol falls in them. Jogging is recommended as an effective way to bring down your cholesterol naturally. It also keeps you in shape.

Quit smoking- Smokingis a villain that brings down HDL or good cholesterol and takes up LDL or bad cholesterol level in human body. It creates oxidative stress and oxidation of bad cholesterol or LDL, which results in the forming of plaques on the walls of the arteries. The plaques create many heart related problems. Those who want a healthy lipid profile should quit smoking.

Stop alcohol- Besides smoking, alcohol too harms liver. Liver has significant part inmetabolism of cholesterol. Once the liver is damaged due to use of alcohol, the level of LDL will increase and the degree of HDL will lower, which is a very harmful condition to our body. If you wish to control the cholesterol level in your body, stop drinking at the earliest.

Stress- Stress causes more harm to our body than we can think of. Stressful situations create a bad impact on the degree of cholesterol in human body. You should avoid stress to bring down LDL. If you are stressed out from work you can put your mind at peace by listening to your favorite music or watching an entertaining movie.

Get to know more about how to lower cholesterol. Click here to know more about cholesterol treatment.

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