Your levels of cholesterol need to be checked regularly by your doctor if you happen to be one of those with a health and lifestyle that makes you vulnerable to heart-related ailments. The doctor's diagnosis and final report will obviously consist of medical language, figures and numbers which he will need to simplify for you to understand. It will be from the result of this analysis that you will be able to appreciate your health condition and the progress you are making if you are already on treatment or medication.
If you find all this very confusing it is possible to acquire a home cholesterol testing kit that can be used in the comfort of your home as long as you learn how to understand the figures and the results. The L stands for low density lipid cholesterol which is referred to as bad cholesterol and should be kept as low as possible. This makes up about sixty five to seventy five percent of your total cholesterol, which you should ensure the total number is at least lower than a hundred and thirty.
If you are obese and have a family history of heart disease this number should be kept even lower than one hundred as bad cholesterol or LDL is the cause of most heart attacks and you should watch your diet carefully as well.
The second number is the one for good cholesterol or HDL, which stands for high density lipid cholesterol which is easily remembered by the capital letter H as standing for healthy. For the males this should be thirty five and forty for the females but higher than this is favourable for both genders. A program of exercising your body is essential in assisting raising the levels of the HDL. If you smoke you would do well to keep away from this dangerous habit. The last number is your total cholesterol level that will add up both your good and bad levels.
A small percentage of people also have very low levels of cholesterol in the blood stream due to Abetalipoproteinemia, a rare genetic disease. This is a condition that mainly affects the Jewish population and not only causes low cholesterol levels, but also causes vitamin deficiencies and an inability to grow and gain weight at a normal rate.
Low cholesterol, lastly, can be caused if medications used to treat high cholesterol are used improperly. Maintain a good normal balance of the high and low density lipid levels and you will be able to keep the cholesterol levels under control. Should there be need for any medication your doctor will advice to assure you of a healthy and longer life.
The author is a Telecommunications Engineer, Information Technologist, computer and hardware technologist. He is an ardent aerobic, body building, weight training, swimming and soccer participant and trainer. This International author has studied the relationship of an exercise regime, dieting and the effect this has on not only performance and fitness of the athlete or individual but body structure, beauty, skin, physical and mental health. He is the chief executive of The Internet Biz Box, the Brufortune Group of enterprises. Bruce Mwale.
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