Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Heart Disease - How to Control Your Cholesterol

Before we employ a management system, we need to understand the situation.

You have probably read a lot about cholesterol and know that for optimum health, we should have low LDL (low density lipoprotein) and higher HDL (high density lipoprotein) levels. This is true, but not for the reasons most often sited. Cholesterol does not actually cause the problem. Increased cholesterol is the body's response to inflammation brought on by substances that irritate and damage body tissues including arterial walls. Lowering the cholesterol in this instance can actually do more harm than good.

Think about it this way. A lovely home (your body) is invaded without your knowledge by rowdy inflammatory agents with no respect for your things. They proceed to spill drinks, smoke, tear the furniture, and put dents in the walls, causing havoc and general mayhem. The police arrive to quell the disturbance and take the rowdy individuals out of the house. It is a struggle and some of the police officers have the culprits up against the wall when a well-meaning neighbor appears at the door to help. He is horrified by the scene and immediately blames the police for causing the damage. Now it may be true that some collateral damage occurred in the attempt to stop the rioting, but reducing the number of police officers is not the answer. Preventing the inflammatory agents from doing further damage and then securing the home is critical.

Once things are under control, internal affairs can have a look at which officers were quick on their feet (Hero Detective League) and which sat around waiting for someone else to do the job (Lazy Detective League). It does make sense that it is desirable to have more heroes and fewer lazy police officers.

If the police are continually called to the same house, it is an indication that the homeowner needs to clean things up. Throwing out the cigarettes and other substances that encourage inflammation and beefing up the security system will help. Lowering the number of responding police officers before securing the home will result in more damage and much lower survival rates for the homeowners.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol a waxy steroid metabolite that is regulated by the liver and is essential for human life. Human breast milk contains significant levels of cholesterol. It is present in all mammals, to a much lesser degree in plants, and is almost nonexistent in lower life forms like bacteria. It is necessary for the synthesis of all fat soluble vitamins and especially vitamin D, which is not actually a vitamin at all, but a hormone. It is essential for the production of all steroid hormones and all sex hormones. It is a major component of cellular membranes, intracellular support and nerve conduction. In other words, we cannot survive without it. Cholesterol is not the bad guy.

Does changing the diet help?

Yes and no. Does avoiding cholesterol in the diet lower the levels in our body? Not necessarily. The liver simply manufactures more to keep the blood levels consistent with what our body has determined is essential. However, by cleaning up the diet and avoiding substances that cause inflammation, we will lower the levels of cholesterol as well. It just makes sense. If you have fewer bad guys in the neighborhood, you can lower the numbers in your police force.

What are inflammatory foods?

Food that create a quick rise in blood insulin levels are the ones that will cause inflammation. Sugar, bread and pasta or anything else made with white flour, almost all processed foods, and most dairy foods should be avoided. If it is man-made, put it back. Use butter moderately and do not touch margarine. Brown bread is deceptive. It may say 100% whole wheat but that does not tell you a thing about what else is in it. Often the first ingredient is wheat flour otherwise known as white flour. Always read the labels before you buy.

So what is left to eat?

At first it may seem as if everything tasty is off the table. Fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains (especially sprouted), legumes, eggs, lean meat and fish are all delicious and healthy choices. Opt for foods high in omega-3 fatty acids; organic or free-range eggs, salmon, sardines, walnuts and chia seeds. These will lower cholesterol by lowering inflammation first.

Millions of people are on statin drugs to lower their cholesterol. Statin drugs work by blocking 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA coenzyme A reductase (or HMG CoA reductase), a protein that is part of an important step in making cholesterol. Considering the importance of this enzyme, blocking it over the long term will result in other problems, some very serious. Unfortunately, the death rate after a heart attack is much higher for those with low cholesterol. Now that we understand how cholesterol works and how important its role is in fighting inflammation, it makes sense.

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is as effective as statin drugs at lowering cholesterol without the dangerous side effects. It is especially effective when combined with equal amounts of vitamin C. Nutrients do not block enzymes. Niacin has strong anti-inflammatory properties and this is how it works to reduce cholesterol safely. Reduce the inflammation and we reduce the required amount of cholesterol. Niacin works by targeting the cause, not blocking the production of an essential component. Most treatments start slowly and work up to 1000 mg. taken three times a day of both niacin and vitamin C.

In a nutshell: once we control the inflammation, we control the cholesterol.

Avoid sugar, white flour and processed foods.
Eat fresh foods on the anti-inflammatory list, especially those with a low glycemic index.
Buy local and organic when you can to ensure freshness and quality.
Avoid meat with antibiotics and hormones added.
Start taking niacin and vitamin C.

Always consult with your health care provider before beginning any treatment.

For more information on niacin and cholesterol, visit orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v01n10.shtml Orthomolecular.org

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