If you have high cholesterol levels then your first port of call should really be to look at natural cholesterol reduction rather than going on statin medication. The reason I say this is because although statins will help lower your cholesterol levels they will also put you at risk of some of the side effects associated with this kind of medication such as heart failure and cognitive failure, to name but two. Natural cholesterol reduction on the other hand will enable you to get your cholesterol levels down without running these risks.
One of the things that we want to bear in mind with natural cholesterol reduction though, is that although we are looking to reduce the amount of LDL (bad) in our blood we at the same time want to increase the amount of HDL (good) that we have. Also when reducing our LDL levels we do not want them to go too low because otherwise this can also cause health concerns too. So what are the natural cholesterol reduction methods we can use then?
The first thing we can do is to cut out the amount of foods that we consume that contain trans fats. Trans fats are man-made fats and they occur when we take vegetable oil and turn it into a solid form known as hydrogenated vegetable oil or vegetable fat. You often find this man-made fat in chocolates, cookies and ready-made meals: the reason for this is because it extends the shelf life of the product. Also, many fast food outlets use this kind of fat for deep frying. The problem with vegetable fat is that it decreases your HDL and also increases your LDL so removing this from your diet is important when taking your first steps to natural cholesterol reduction.
Another area that you may want to look at in your quest for natural cholesterol reduction is to have a look your lifestyle; if your weight is classed as obese or you smoke or drink excessively then all of this is going to lead to increased cholesterol levels, and if you answered yes to all three, then this is going to have severe implications on your health. So firstly you need to stop smoking and secondly start exercising. The reason for exercising is not only will it help you to lose weight, it will also increase your good cholesterol at the same time which is something that we want to do. You do not have to go flat out and exhaust yourself with exercising, just doing something as simple as walking briskly for around about half an hour a day on a daily basis will be ideal. As regards to the alcohol, you do not have to totally quit drinking, just get it down to moderate levels, ideally one or two glasses of red wine a day can help increase your HDL levels which in turn will lead to lower LDL.
Another natural cholesterol reduction method that is fast gaining in popularity is the use of naturally blended supplements. This, as the name implies, is a supplement that has taken natural ingredients and blended them together to create one powerful cholesterol lowering product. The best types of supplements are the ones that have around about five or six key ingredients blended together, and one of those should definitely be policosanol. The reason you want policosanol included is because in medical studies this ingredient has been found to be as effective as statins at reducing the amount of cholesterol your body produces, but without the health damaging side effects that come with statins.
So now that you have these natural cholesterol reduction [clobbercholesterol.com/] techniques you may want to put them into action. Obviously the lifestyle and dietary changes are pretty straight forward to implement, however for the blended supplements you may need to learn a little bit more about. To help you with this I've put together some information for you which you can get for free by going to my website. You can find the site by going to [clobbercholesterol.com/].
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