Friday, January 11, 2013

Low Carb Diet "Need to Know"

Read this article before you diet!

I was checking out low carb diets on the internet and I discovered a few facts that aren't so well known that I thought were rather interesting. If you're looking for the right diet, or you're already on a low carb diet, you may want to read this before you go any further. This article could help you to lose weight, be happy and be healthier too!

PLEASE NOTE: As with ANY diet, check with your doctor first to be sure it is safe for you.

Here comes some medical stuff...

Your liver transforms protein into carbohydrates. On a low carb diet,you want to lower the amount of insulin in your body. (Insulin is the hormone that tells your body to store fat.) Insulin production is increased by too much protein, so it's important to calculate the correct amount of protein for your size and for how many grams of carbohydrates you are eating. Your local library should have a book that can tell you how to do this,or you could ask your doctor.

Dieting should mean "Livin' on the edge" when it comes to hunting for groceries in the interior of this "urban jungle!"

Most markets arrange the food so that things like fruit, veggies, meat, nuts, eggs and dairy are around the edges. The "edges" you can't avoid but need your self control around are the edges of the check out aisles. This is where most stores put the "impulse" items like candy and other snack foods. The foods like T.V. dinners, ice cream and those "Helpers" that we're all so familiar with, are all in the aisles. (Lions and tigers and carbs...Oh my!) In order to eat healthy, lose weight and be happy, we need to choose carefully.

However, frozen veggies are o.k. for your low carb diet but the fresh ones usually taste better, and most of them can be eaten raw. When you eat veggies raw, you get much more of the nutrients and most also have a very satisfying "CRUNCH!"

Most of the calories in a low carb diet should come from fat. (FAT?!) This does NOT cause your liver to over produce insulin. However, TRANS FATS or HYDROGENATED FATS are the exceptions and should be avoided. That's why we need to read the labels. Anything that says "hydrogenated" (hydrogenated soy bean oil or whatever,) needs to stay on the shelf!

A lot of fluids are flushed out of your body in the beginning of a diet. This is one reason that most people tend to lose allot more weight in the early stages. This sometimes causes leg cramps. To avoid getting the cramps due to low potassium from this, add some Morton's Salt Substitute to your food (it's pure potassium) or eat more bananas which are high in potassium.

Cholesterol levels also go up during the first part of most diets. (Allot of doctors aren't even aware of this.) This is normal when you lose weight quickly because the fat in your bloodstream is being flushed out. By the 6th month or so, you should see a big improvement, especially in your HDL and triglycerides which are most closely associated with good health.

Be healthy, be happy.

Dance, walk, play with the kids...

Here's one last fact that applies to any diet. Exercising along with your diet will ALWAYS be more effective, even if you only walk around the block. Be creative with exercise; play with your kids in the park, dance with your mate a few times a week, take a nature hike with a friend (make it a "mall hike" if you live in the city)or listen to the radio and dance while you do your housework. And don't forget to keep track of inches as well as weight. Exercise builds muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. So keep your measuring tape close to your scale and keep a chart or journal of both (you might be pleasantly surprised!)

If you make it fun and don't give up, you can lose weight, be happy and have a wonderfully active life.

I hope these facts have been helpful and I wish you all great success!

My name is Lisa and I've been dieting for many years with off and on success. I found this program, Lose Weight-Be Happy that has helped me and perhaps it could help you as well.
Here's to success!

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