Monday, February 11, 2013

Low Diet - The Way to Your Long Life

Low diet means low fat intake in your daily life. But there is some common misunderstandings out there.

These are six basic necessities essential for normal health in food, proteins, carbohydrates, fats (which are also manufactured by the body), vitamins, minerals, and water. If you simply eat less or just cut fat out of you diet, you will lack in at least one of the essential nutrients.

In western counties people's diet is too rich in fat as well as calories, refined sugars, starches, and oils. At the same time, it is low in essential nutriments, minerals and other vital requirements.

Life threatening diseases are caused by the excessive intake of fats. This of course can lead to the shortening of life and crippling illnesses.

The low-fat diet will add immeasurably to your general health and well-being. If you can cut the fat intake by 25 per cent, it would reduce the number of heart deaths in half within another 20 years.

The exact relationship between the amount of fat you eat and the production of cholesterol in your body is still a very complex question. The cholesterol found in the blood is made largely in the liver from fats in the diet. It is also produced in the arterial walls themselves. But the main source and the one that we can to a great extent control is fat in our food.

Cutting down and keeping in control the fat content is a main priority in our diet. Omega-3 and polyunsaturated are the healthy fats and should be eaten in avocados,fish and olive oil. Abundant amounts of these type foods should be in your diet.

Both men and women who achieved a large weight loss of about 20 pounds on the low-fat diet, were estimated to have a life expectancy of double that of people on a regular diet.

People on a low-fat or fat-free diet it is most certainly known now are virtually free from heart attacks and strokes, which are so common among people on a fat diet.

To lack understanding of foods is not the correct basis for a low diet. You are expected to eat palatable foods and not to be on a starvation diet.

Lowering your cholesterol with a low fat diet is the way to go for more energy, tighter muscles, firmer body and less bulk mass. A healthy low diet will not give you energy loss, but if you are overweight it will reduce your fat giving you lower cholesterol and making you feel much better in yourself.

Haiyan Louise Magill has been a registered nurse for 16 years. She shares the knowledge of Low Diet at her website. More Health Awareness information helps your to get a better and healthier life.

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