Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A List of Dieting Foods

Sometimes we make weight loss so complicated. And, while there's no question that losing weight isn't easy; it certainly can be simple. There are more overweight people in the world than ever; and it's no coincidence that we got fatter when we started eating more processed and prepared foods.

If you want to lose weight, take a look at this dieting food list. It's full of foods you already know and love, pared down to their natural form.

A List of 10 Dieting Foods

1. Vegetables - Don't fry them, or even boil them to death. Roast them, steam them or eat them raw. Buy them fresh from the farmer's market or frozen. Fill your dinner plate half full of vegetables every evening.

Eat a wide variety of vegetables so that you don't get bored.

Choosing veggies that are in season makes it easier to eat them fresh, which is when they have the best taste. Don't forget to include hot peppers. The capsaicin in hot peppers speeds up the metabolic rate.

2. Fruits - There are so many fruits to choose from. Scope your farmer's market for fruits in season. In winter, shop the grocery for exotic fruits so that you can try something new. Eat whole fruit - not fruit juice. Fruit juice has too much sugar and not enough fiber.

3. Meat - Fish, chicken, beef and pork are all part of a dieting food list. Choose lean cuts of them and broil, roast, grill or bake them. Frying adds unnecessary fat and calories.

4. Dairy - Eggs, low fat cheese and milk are all on the dieting food list. Eggs are a great source of protein, but they are high in cholesterol, so watch your intake if your cholesterol is high.

5. Nuts - Nuts provide natural fat, which your body needs. They are also very nutritious. Watch your portions, however, because nuts are high in calories. Choose from your favorites, like walnuts, cashews, peanuts and almonds. Choose those that are minimally processed.

6. Olive oil - Our bodies do need fat, but we need healthy, polyunsaturated fat. Olive oil is a great choice because it's completely natural, adds great flavor and is heart healthy. It's even thought to increase metabolism.

7. Green Tea - Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages you can drink. It is full of anti-oxidants, which prevent all sorts of diseases, including cancer and heart disease. It's on the dietingfoods.co.uk dieting foods list because the catechins it contains speed up the metabolism.

8. Whole Grain Breads - Ditch the white flour. It's over processed and lacks fiber and nutrients. It also raises your blood sugar just like processed sugar. Choose bread and pasta made with whole grain flour instead.

9. Brown Rice - White rice, like white flour is highly processed. Brown rice is minimally processed, so it is more nutritious, has more fiber to keep you feeling full and keeps blood sugar stable.

10. Oatmeal - When you want cereal for breakfast, oatmeal is a great choice on the dieting food list. It's got plenty of fiber and whole grains and has been shown to remove cholesterol from the blood.

Dieting and Weight Loss Tips - the Top 15 Diets that Will Help You Look and Feel Great, Lose Weight Naturally and Stay in Shape.

Visit: foodandweightloss.com Weight Loss Foods

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