Thursday, November 28, 2013

What Experts Say About the Glycemic Index Diet - Know Everything About This Weight Loss Program

Experts debated among themselves on the matter of GI scores in foods. In 2005, a report was published on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, which states that "present evidence reveals that the glycemic index has little utility for providing guidance for Americans. Moreover, the GI does not calculate how quickly glucose levels rise." Studies which made comparisons between high and low glycemic diets concluded that the glucose peaks at the same time in both diets.

Several experts agreed that blood glucose peaks at a uniform time with most foods mainly because foods are rarely eaten alone. When there is addition of fat or protein foods, it slows down the response time. When food high in GI is combined with food low in GI, the result is a moderate response.

Some experts observed that there is remarkable evidence that eating foods low on the glycemic index is helpful in reducing hunger, which, in turn, is beneficial to weight loss. On May 16, 2007, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a research on this matter which reported that foods with lower GI scores can have positive impact on obese teenage boys as their hunger is reduced.

David Ludwig, founder of Ending the Food Fight, observed that the boys were a bit hungrier after finishing a high GI breakfast that resulted in consuming 600 to 700 more calories during lunchtime compared when they had a low GI breakfast.

Furthermore, the same study revealed that low GI diets are more efficient in people whose body secrete more insulin. People who secrete more insulin have "apple shape" bodies, where fats build up around their wastes. Experts suggest that if the individual has an "apple" type, which is not compatible with other diets, he may succeed with the GI approach.

Regardless of the body shape, low glycemic food can be good for the heart. Experts observed from their experience that anybody who followed low glycemic index diet improved HDL cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels.

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