Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Here Are Ideas For Recipes to Lower Cholesterol - No More Heart Problems

In the world today many people suffer heart attacks because of high cholesterol levels in their bodies. Foods that reduce high fats levels are very essential for they improve our general health as well. If you visit a doctor and you find out that you have a problem with the level of fats and oils, then the first thing to do is getting rid of all the fatty foods in your home and substituting them for much healthier foods.

Recipes to lower cholesterol can be found online or in certain cook books. These recipes should have small amounts of saturated fats and should mostly make up of foods that are low in fats and oils. Saturated fats can be found in foods that have been deep fried or processed, for example potato chips among others. These foods should be eliminated from your diet completely. Once you have managed to lower your fats and oils levels to the recommended levels, then you can begin to consume fatty foods but occasionally and in very small quantities.

It is said that substituting unsaturated fats for saturated fats will lower your cholesterol significantly. Your recipes should not include ice cream, cheese, beef, coconut oil, cookies, chip, chocolate, candy bars among others. These foods are rich in saturated fats and therefore they will cause more harm than good if eaten in large amounts and on a daily basis. Instead include foods like fish with are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which reduce your bad fats and oils levels and increase the levels of the good type. Nuts are also very effective although they should also be consumed in small quantities, fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in soluble fiber that effectively reduces high fats and oils in the body and natural supplements found in plants and other foods.

Unsaturated fats should be included in your recipes other than saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are of two types, polyunsaturated which are found in sesame and sunflower oils and monounsaturated found in olive and canola oils. These fats will greatly help reduce high cholesterol levels in the body.

Low fats menus should be used daily to be able to keep to a healthy diet and especially if you realize that your levels of fats are dangerously high and could cause a heart attack or stroke at any time. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis and you will never have to worry about suffering any type of ailments with regards to high levels of fats.

Learn more about how to lower your cholesterol naturally without dangerous drugs at Find out recipes to lower cholesterol naturally.

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