Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Diets - 3 Myths That Prevent Successful Weight Loss

Fast weight loss diets usually promise rapid weight loss in a short period, usually one to two weeks. The problem is many are based on 3 myths that actually prevent you from achieving any long term success losing weight or keeping fat off.

Here are three notorious dieting ideas that have failed miserably over time...

"Eating fewer calories will help you burn fat and lose weight..."

The truth is restricted calorie diets can harm your metabolism and fail to provide any significant long term weight loss or fat burning. This is because it's more important WHERE your calories comefrom than actually HOW many calories you consume.

These types of diets may show some minimal results in the very short term but 99% of dieters cannot maintain such a restricted caloric intake for long periods of time.

"Switch to a low fat diet plan..."

The low fat diet craze has actually made more people overweight and unhealthy than ever. The reality is your body needs fat to burn fat. It's all about eating the right fats monosaturated instead of saturated fats. These good fats help keep blood sugar stable and actually control appetite, as well as lower cholesterol.

"Low carb diets are a healthy way to lose weight..."

These low carb no carb diet plans are the worst diet solutions for your body.

They make you feel miserable with side effects like headaches, muscle aches, and even severe constipation. Carbs are essential, as they provide energy and fiber, however you need to choose the right carbs...they are not all created equal.

Fast weight loss diets based on these three ideas should be avoided at all cost!

If you want real fat burning success you need to learn how the fat burning diet works. It's nutritionally sound, you can lose up to 5 pounds in a week, you will experience no cravings, starvation or fatigue, and its absolutely amazing how much fat your body can burn if you feed it properly...to learn more try watching this free video below

Alyssa Collins RN and Certified trainer, "You want to lose weight without wasting your time" so if you're not sure where to start, watch this step by step free video that walks you through how to: freebandhost.com lose 10 pounds in 7 days.

Exercise and the HCG Diet

Many people are confused when it comes to exercise and the HCG diet. Do you need to exercise? If so, how much should you exercise? What kind of exercise do you need to do for the diet to work? Here is what you need to know about exercise and the HCG diet:

High-intensity workouts when on the HCG diet are not recommended. because your body has little carbohydrates stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscle. Heavy weights, cardiovascular workouts like running or high-intensity step aerobics, or circuit training require large amounts of carbs that you simply do not have available. Attempting these exercise results in rapid dehydrated and hypoglycemia. (low blood sugar. The result is intense weakness and a feeling you are going to pass out.

What type of exercise is recommended on the HCG diet? Walking is great exercise on the HCG diet. Taking a mile or two walk several times a week on the diet is one of the best ways that you can properly be on the HCG diet and exercise safely. You should exercise caution when walking; there should be no problems, unlike if you were doing intense workouts like jogging.

How Carbohydrates Fuel Exercise

In the HCG diet you will markedly reduce your carbohydrate calories, your body will start to use up these glycogen stores. Low glycogen forces your body to switch to using more body fat for energy and begin converting amino acids from proteins to fuel. This is the source of the remarkable weight loss in the HCG diet. This often makes exercise hard and intense exercise even more difficult. Here's why:

Carbs provide the energy that is needed for exercise. Once eaten, carbohydrates breakdown into smaller sugars (glucose, fructose and galactose) that get absorbed and used as energy. Any glucose not needed right away gets stored in the muscles and the liver in the form of glycogen. Its thought that the body can store up to 2000 carbohydrate calories in muscles.(15 grams of carbohydrates per 2.2 lbs. body weight.). Glycogen is the source of energy most often used for exercise because it is immediately accessible from muscle and liver. The amount of carbohydrate you eat determines the amount of glycogen stored in the liver and muscles, which in turn greatly affects your ability to exercise. During depletion (from diet, exercise or a combination) you use up the stored carbohydrates. There is enough stored glycogen for 30-80 minutes of exercise, depending upon the intensity. It takes less than 24 hours of fasting to completely drain your liver glycogen stores. Carbohydrates are the brain and muscle's fuel, so your body needs to use carbs even while you sleep. A glycogen drain will make you may feel listless and uninterested in exercising. That's why in the HCG diet you need to space your exercise out throughout the week. A few days off is needed for your body to recharge the glycogen stores.

What is the Role of Exercise in the HCG Program or any Other Weight Loss Program?

Gary Taubes writes in Good Calories, Bad Calories( 2007)

"In the past few years, a series of authoritative reports have advocated ever more physical activity for adults-now up to ninety minutes per day of moderate-intensity exercise-precisely because the evidence in support of the hypothesis is so unimpressive. No substantial evidence, in fact, supports this recommendation for weight loss or maintenance."

In his ground breaking study published in early 2007, Dr. Ravussin notes physical exercise plays a minor role in weight loss. In a very well controlled study, overweight people who were restricting their calories but did not exercise, lost almost the same amount of weight (about 10% of their body weight) compared to those who were restricting their calories AND exercising. Dr. Ravussin adds that exercise can "produce health benefits," such as improvements in blood sugar and aerobic fitness, which do protect against heart disease." Dr Ravussin writes: "It's all about calories; so long as the energy deficit is the same, body weight will decrease in the same way."

In his extensive clinical study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 1999, Dr. Anderson proved what many people suspected: overweight individuals do not have to act like athletes or spend hours in a gym to lose weight and become healthy. Dr. Anderson and other researchers emphasize that sedentary, overweight individuals can be successful in their happinesslifetime.com weight loss plans with a simple and slight increase in the amount of physical activity in their daily lives. Dr Anderson writes, "Diet plus lifestyle programs were as effective as diet plus aerobic training programs in improving weight, blood pressure and serum lipids... This is good news for people who dislike vigorous physical activity or believe they lack time to exercise."

According to Jamy D. Ard from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, gym exercise-even the strenuous type-is not necessary for weight loss or weight maintenance. In 2007 Dr Ard writes: "At follow-up, 80% of all participants maintained their body weight and 20% had regained weight. The maintainers consumed 384 fewer kcal a day on average. There was no significant difference in physical activity (min/day) reported by maintainers and gainers."

Exercise Does Not Remove Local Fat Accumulation

The exercise industry promotes the idea that working out will also help you to sculpt your body. Using the right equipment or doing the right exercises, according to them, will take fat off the love handles, thighs, underarms, and other very specific parts of your body. Men do the crunches and therefore lose their bellies and show their abs and females get a rid of their muffin tops.

"It may well be true. For the vast majority of individuals, overweight and obesity result from excess calorie consumption and/or inadequate physical activity. But it also seems that the accumulation of fat in humans and animals is determined to a large extent by factors that have little to do with how much we eat or exercise: that is a biologic component. " writes Gary Taubes in Good Calories-Bad Calories, 2007

Our genetic structure makes losing specific localized fat deposits very difficult. Exercising is usually ineffective in permanently altering this distribution. Exhausting yourself by doing hundreds of sit-ups to produce those rock-hard abs that will never be seen if covered with a layer of fat, is no better than spending significant effort sculpting a better butt, or toning your thighs and legs.

What Exercise Is Needed on the HCG Diet?

The evidence above means that if you are already significantly restricting your food intake as in the HCG Diet, adding exercise may have very little effect in assisting your weight loss.Of course, I'd like everybody to be active and to move their bodies in order to strengthen their heart, circulation, and stimulate muscle and bone growth. It would also be good for your emotional well being. I do not expect you to do physical exercise at the levels that would actually make you lose weight. Unless you are a professional athlete or plan to work out like one over the course of at least 3 to 6 months, that goal is achieved much easier by making different and smarter food and beverages choices.

Discovering the Lifestyle Exercises

Any extra calorie-burning movement, that you can add to your life as a part of your normal daily routine is what I like to call a lifestyle exercise. The concept is to integrate these extra activities in a way that does not disrupt your normal daily routines. This will allow a few extra calories to be burned off and adds some other health benefits to your life. The old saying, "habits are hard to change" can apply to positive as well as negative behavior. In this case, the "habit" we want to incorporate is almost unconscious daily exercise.

Dr. James Hill at the University of Colorado has written extensively on the use of lifestyle exercises for weight loss and maintenance. He advocates walking an additional 2000 steps per day which translates to burning an extra 100 calories per day. Dr Hill Writes in 2006 in the Step Diet: "These results were supportive of our hypothesis that small lifestyle changes can be achieved through a family-based program and can prevent weight gain in adults and excessive weight gain in growing overweight children."

The emphasis of what I call lifestyle exercises are both realistic and simple and can be done by just about anybody, anywhere, at any time.

Examples of lifestyle exercises include:

* Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

* Parking the car at the far reaches of the parking lot

* Getting off the bus a stop early and walking the distance to your destination

* Walking or biking on errands

* Delivering a message in person in an office, instead of by e-mail

* Walking your dog an extra block

* Doing yard work.

Some people have enough self-discipline to implement these lifestyle exercises naturally. However, the majority of people need a more formal plan and something more structured than taking the stairs everyday, but less structured than going to the gym four days a week.

For a more formal lifestyle exercise program, try walking. Most of us have the equipment to do this with us everyday, even when traveling. Walking cost nothing and can take as little as a few minutes. Even walking for ten minutes several times a day can help stimulate weight loss and more importantly will improve your cardiovascular health.

However, there are some challenges associated with walking, as your ability or willingness to be outdoors may be affected by the weather, pollution, or safety concerns. And remember, just because you are sweating does not mean that you are burning calories. It could simply be hot outside! Most people vastly overestimate the amount of calories they burn while walking.

Benefits from Regular Lifestyle Exercises

What I call regular lifestyle exercise can actually assist your weight loss and more specifically, help you through plateaus. I'm not talking about two hours in a gym. Instead, the addition of small amounts of physical activity to your daily routine can improve many aspects of your health. Moreover, such improvements can be experienced by virtually everyone, regardless of age, sex, or physical ability. They will not require great commitments or an enormous amount of willpower. The following are some of the additional benefits of regular lifestyle exercises.

*Strengthens your cardiovascular system

The term "cardiovascular system" refers to your heart and your blood vessels. Cholesterol buildup in your arteries can cause strokes and heart attacks. Regular physical activities prevent this from happening in three different ways:

* Lowers the buildup of bad cholesterol (LDL) in arteries by increasing the concentration of good cholesterol (HDL).

* Prevents the onset of high blood pressure if you are at an increased risk of developing this condition.

* Lowers your blood pressure if yours is already high.

Keeps bones and muscles strong

Regular physical activities are one of the best methods to prevent osteoporosis and strengthen your muscles. Choose lifestyle exercises that bear your body's weight, such as walking and jogging.

Can help to break through plateaus

Physical activities will help to increase your metabolism again after its normal slowing that accompanies weight loss. In this case, I do recommend working a little harder while doing your lifestyle exercises. Walk a little faster and maybe a little longer to break a sweat. And maybe add one or two more physical activities to your day during those periods.

Prevents and manages diabetes

Regular physical activities, coupled with weight loss, are important ways to control your blood sugar. Exercise helps insulin work and can lower your blood sugar.

Eases depression and manages pain and stress

Regular physical activities can help fight depression by activating the neurotransmitters (chemicals used by your nerve cells to communicate with one another) serotonin and norepinephrine. Exercise also stimulates the production of endorphins, other neurotransmitters that produce feelings of well being.

Reduces your risk of certain types of cancer

Regular physical activities may help lower the risk of cancers of the colon, prostate, uterus, and breasts.

Helps you sleep well

A good night's sleep helps maintain your physical and mental health. Moderate physical activities at least three hours before bedtime can help you relax and sleep better at night.

Helps prolong your life

In addition to making you feel better, regular physical activities definitely prolongs your life expectancy.

As you can see, there are many benefits that can come from regular physical activity. Here are the four things you need to know about the role that exercising plays (or does not play) in my weight loss program:

1. "Lifestyle" exercises are equally or more effective than structured aerobic or weight lifting exercise for weight loss.

2. Having an idea about the calories you really burn during exercises permits you to understand the efforts it takes to burn of the calories of bad food choices.

3. Exercise plays only a minimal role in short-term weight loss as in the HCG Diet. The obsession with hours of working out in gyms often diverts attention from what is really important-the foods that one eats.

4. Diet and/or exercise cannot remove genetically determined fat deposits in most individuals.

Richard L. Lipman M.D., a board certified internist and endocrinologist has been treating weight and metabolic problems for 25 years in his Miami office. His recent book, Jump Start Your Metabolism with HCG, Dr Lipman reveals his experience treating hundreds of patients with HCG. Preview the book and read more at bestbuyhcg.com bestbuyhcg.com

How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week - Here Is The Best Diet For Losing 10 Pounds In One Week!

If you want to lose 10 pounds in a week, then don't choose starvation as a method. Strict diets significantly decrease your metabolism and if you have a slow metabolism, you will burn calories with difficulty. You will suffer from low energy and even if you lose 10 pounds in one week you will gain them back almost immediately.

Your most powerful ally for losing 10 pounds in one week: Protein

Our muscles consist mainly of a protein called myosin. Proteins are large molecules composed of other smaller amino acid molecules. If you want to maintain your muscle mass, you need take through food the same proportion of amino acids that are present inside the muscles. But, why would you care about maintaining your muscle mass anyway? Because, muscles burn calories and lead to a faster metabolism! Therefore, it's extremely important to consume some high-quality protein every day. Meat and some dairy products are not only high in protein, but also contain the right proportion of amino acids.

Your enemy: Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates include all sugars, like sucrose, glucose, fructose (fruit sugar) and lactose (milk sugar). They require little digestion and go straight into the bloodstream, raising blood sugar levels. They only provide the body with energy for a short time. Simple carbohydrates are just empty calories, with no vitamins, minerals or fiber and with virtually no nutritional value. Moreover, there is evidence that simple sugars destroy the teeth and also:

Contribute to obesity, which in turn increases the risk of developing diabetes and glucose intolerance.
Lead to the nutritional deficiency of chromium
Increase blood triglycerides and cholesterol, thus increasing the risk for heart disease.

This means that if you want to lose weight you need to stay away from sugar, fruit juices, candies, soda pop, cakes, white bread, white pasta, most baked goods and most cereals.

However, eliminating all carbohydrates from your diet is actually a very bad idea. You may noticed that people who follow low- carbohydrate diets usually suffer from the following symptoms:

Bad breath, caused by the formation of toxic by-products due to the unbalanced metabolism of fat.
Low energy and lethargy, because the metabolism slows down to conserve the reserves of muscle glycogen in the body.
Muscle loss.
Depression and irritability, because an unbalanced metabolism disrupts the brain.
The tendency to regain all the pounds they have lost, after the end of the diet.

So, what is the solution?

The best thing you can do in order to lose 10 pounds in a week is to replace simple carbs with complex carbs. Complex carbohydrates enter into the bloodstream slowly, give more energy and satisfy hunger for much longer. Some examples of foods containing complex carbohydrates are: spinach, barley, apples, lettuce, buckwheat bread, oat bran bread, muesli, wild rice, brown rice, multi-grain bread, pinto beans, soybeans, navy beans, kidney beans, eggplant and soy milk.

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I Look Good and Feel Good, Should I Diet?

At times the word diet is only associated with those who are clearly overweight trying to lose some weight in order to improve their health. But what we will talk about here is not about the actual diet, but instead the health benefits for everyone.

However, some people they should still consider a weight loss program due to the overall health benefits that are associated with it. There are, of course, some people who follow a much stricter regime connected to their food than most people - such as diabetics - but if you are in a family with a history of certain medical problems then you should maybe consider it.

A weight loss program is not just about losing the actual weight; it is also about maintaining your healthy weight once you have reached your target. It is more a lifestyle change and a good diet plan is one that means you do not fluctuate between overweight and perfect weight. It is this lifestyle change idea which should be followed by those who have an increased chance of some illnesses due to the curse of genetics.

By following the ideas of some weight loss problems your body can operate at its optimum rate. By eating the correct carbohydrates - please note that they are not all bad like some suggest - the correct fats, protein and much more, you can ensure that your body is able to easily perform the required tasks without digging into its reserves.

By eating the correct foods for your body you avoid moments where on a low carbohydrate diet your body uses protein to do the job of carbohydrates. This then leads to your body storing fat, as the protein does not have the ability to break it down, leading to an increase in heart disease and higher cholesterol levels. You can understand why those who have a family history of heart problems should maybe take heed of this and think about what is more important to them - fitting into a smaller size of clothing or having their long term health.

One of the amazing things is that you are able to follow a healthy lifestyle for your body whilst still eating a lot of your favourite fatty foods. You do not have to eat low fat or low carbohydrate foods that are often bland. Instead, you can enjoy them and know you are helping your long term health. With a few simple changes you can reduce the hidden fat within your body and, at the same time, reduce your chances of heart disease and other illnesses.

In conclusion, it is fair to say that a large number of people could benefit from being on a diet and following a program. It is better for those with their eye on the future to begin taking these healthy steps now therefore preventing, or at least delaying, some of those illnesses that can strike us down when we are older.

Albert Franklin
University of Manchester
United Kingdom

Combining A Cholesterol Lowering Diet With Exercise

The bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol can be reduced from 25 percent to 50 percent through statin medications. But, for anyone, these statins aren't that good of an option - for a variety of reasons.

You can end up losing from 5 to 10 percent of excess weight if you can help lower total cholesterol levels through a weight loss and exercise program. The good cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoprotein or HDL can be boosted up and lower the triglyceride levels by simply exercising 30 to 60 minutes per day.

Calories from saturated fats should be limited to 7 to 10 percent of the daily total. Or that is what experts claim to be healthy for you. Also, the cholesterol intake should be limited of somewhere between 200 and 300 milligrams per day. You can also decrease your LDL cholesterol level by about 5 percent simply by eating 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber. Another option is to consume food products that contain stanols or sterols - which are nothing but healthy substances found in certain plants. LDL cholesterol can be reduced by up to 14 percent by using certain margarine-like spreads and certain brands of orange juice.

You can try lowering your cholesterol levels by using supplements or other natural products. The only problem is that some have side effects, while some are more effective than others. You can potentially raise your HDL levels up to 35 percent while reducing the LDL levels with as much as 20 percent with the intake of niacin. Possible side effects include hot flashes, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Prescription medications are safe and affective for most people with high cholesterol. Nearly everyone can benefit from the best nonprescription therapy - a heart healthy diet.

Diet therapies aimed at reducing serum cholesterol levels have an essential part consisting of physical activity. A number of positive benefits are shown when combining weight reduction with exercise when treating overweight individuals with high cholesterol levels. You can not only reduce high cholesterol levels but you can also reduce other CHD factors by:

reducing triglyceride levels

decreasing diabetes risks

raising HDL cholesterol levels

reducing blood pressure

Jean Helmet is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. Her latest website - cholesterol-product-we-use.com Natural Cholesterol Supplement focuses on cholesterol as a whole, and in partcular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - cholesterol-product-we-use.com Cholest-Natural

Be sure to check out our cholesterol-product-we-use.com cholesterol product of choice, it is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.

Simple Tips in Planning Your Diet For Lower Cholesterol

The side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs is quite alarming and disturbing that is why more people nowadays choose to lower their cholesterol intake by simply making changes in their diet as a part of their lifestyle change. The good news is that we can actually find the foods in the supermarket that can help lower your cholesterol and create a diet plan based on the studies and researches done when it comes to lowering cholesterol through eating these natural foods.

One tip you can apply to lower your body's cholesterol is to create a fresh diet plan which is rich in vegetables and fruits. Your diet plan should include variety of green leafy vegetables, several kinds of fruits, whole grains in different forms, and varieties of legumes. Fiber in vegetables and fruits, together with the whole grain in oats and cereals should be the basic ingredients of your diet plan because it helps a lot in improving your good cholesterol. Always remember that your diet for lower cholesterol should be low in saturated fats and calories yet high in fiber and nutrients.

Aside from including healthy foods in your diet for lower cholesterol plan, you should also be aware of the foods that you shouldn't include. Examples of these foods are processed foods with bleached flour, partially hydrogenated oils and white sugar which are usually found in some bakery products. These will increase the level of bad cholesterol in your body. Your diet for lower cholesterol shouldn't have any trans fat ingredient because it may decrease the amount of your good cholesterol and increase the bad ones. Foods rich in trans fats are baked goods, sweets, fried foods, shortenings, and other processed foods.

Another tip in changing your diet in order to lower your cholesterol is to minimize or avoid eating animal products because all these products are high in cholesterol and saturated fats. Red meats, processed meats, bacon, and sausages are foods that are high in saturated fats; and eating these kinds of foods will affect your cholesterol. Aside from meat, other animal products like milk, butter, and egg yolks are also high in cholesterol and saturated fats which are not suitable if you are trying to lower your cholesterol.

Too much intake of carbohydrates in your diet may also increase the production of cholesterol in your body leading to an increase of bad cholesterol. It may also contribute to the risks of different illnesses like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high-blood pressure, cancer, and other cardiovascular diseases.

With all the facts presented, you now know that creating a diet for lower cholesterol plan will help you regulate cholesterol levels and monitor your cholesterol intake. It is proven that for a healthy diet plan to work in lowering cholesterol, it should always include foods that are protein-rich, high in fiber contents and without any saturated or trans fats.

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure - How Are the Two Related?

In addition to this we most often told to change our exercise and eating habits. For many, this means adopting some sort of exercise routine after years of inactivity. Exercise and diet helps to improve health, but even a healthy new habit is very hard to adopt. All the people do this correctly and without questioning. Medicines taken for cholesterol and high blood pressure mostly work.

Medicines are considered to be an easy option, as it involves very little effort. It is just following the prescription of taking medicines every day. Only when we get the side effects of that medication we think about it. Let me ask a very basic question? Why blood pressure and cholesterol should in control? Because high blood pressure can lead to damages of tissues in kidney, heart and eyes. And this may lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness if not treated.

The systolic reading of high blood pressure is 140 and diastolic reading is 90. Normally higher blood pressure do not come with any symptoms, so even it has the name of silent killer. Cholesterol is a fatty or waxy substance that is found in cell walls and tissues all over the body including the heart, liver, brain, skin, nerves and intestines. Cholesterol is needed by the body in order to produce certain needed hormones, process vitamin D and bile needed to break down fats.

Actually very little amount of cholesterol is enough to do all this stuff. When there is too much cholesterol in the body, it tends to get settled down in the arteries. The major area it gets settled down is coronary arteries and this may lead to heart disease. When not treated this sediment will narrow the artery walls and this will limit the flow of blood to the heart. And this may lead to chest pain and heart attack.

A simple blood test will reveal the level of cholesterol in our body. Low-density lipoprotein or LDL (bad cholesterol), high- density lipoprotein, or HDL (good cholesterol) and triglycerides (other fatty substances in the blood) are measured. Other factors that can lead to cholesterol are heredity, obesity, age, stress and usage of alcohol. Many of the studies based on cholesterol shows that diets that contain high saturated fat can lead to high cholesterol.

HDL level of cholesterol can be increased by moderate drinking. But it do not lower LDL level of cholesterol and heavy drinking may lead to liver disease and high blood pressure. While high blood pressure does not lead to high cholesterol, studies tell us that they are two of the leading controllable risk factors for heart disease, the number one killer in developed countries. These same studies tell us that the chances of someone with high blood pressure and low cholesterol (and vice-versa) are less than 10 percent.

This shouldn't be surprising as they share many of the same risk factors (age, weight, diet). Added to this, it takes different drugs to treat each condition. This often leads to multiple medications and a greatly increased chance for dangers of drug interactions.

What can you do to lower your cholesterol? I highly encourage you to try my Beat Cholesterol in Thirty Days program. It is an all natural, easy to follow program. If high blood pressure is also your concern, my High Blood Pressure program has helped thousands of people find relief. I highly encourage you to try it today!


Christian Goodman provides several ChristianGoodman.com Alternative health methods to many chronic problems. The newest is the all natural Beat Cholesterol program now available. Please check his ChristianGoodman.com natural health alternatives blog now.

Which Top 5 Natural Cholesterol Fighters Should I Include in My Diet

We all know by now we should watch our cholesterol levels. Besides actively taking charge of our health and committing ourselves to at least annual checkups, there are several natural cholesterol fighters we should incorporate in our daily diets.

But which foods are good for our cholesterol levels and how easily can we incorporate them in our daily diet. The good news? It is really simple and most likely you are enjoying most of it in some form already. Here is our top five list:

High Fiber Foods like Oatmeal and oat bran are natures natural cholesterol cleaning agents. Consume 5-10 grams of fiber with your meals daily and you likely will decrease your overall cholesterol level as well as the bad LDL. Just eat one and half cups of oatmeal with a banana for breakfast and you already have 10 grams of fiber added to your diet. You can also eat apples and pears, kidney beans or barley or any other food high in fiber.

Another mainstay for a heart healthy diet is fish and omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming fish, especially the fatty kinds like Salmon, Mackerel, Lake Trout, Herrings, can not only help you reduce your blood pressure, but could also have drastically reduce your risk of developing those dangerous blood clots. For most of us it is virtually impossible to include the doctor recommended amounts of fish in our diet, but you can always get your serving of omega 3 fatty acids using a supplement or by adding flax seeds and canola oil to your food.

The next food in our list are nuts. But be careful, we are talking about unsalted nuts. Also stay away from sugar coated nuts. Consumed with moderation, about 40 grams a day, nuts can have an amazing effect on your cholesterol, but also on your waistline as they are very high in calories. Nuts have a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are good for you as part of a balanced diet.

My personal favorite is olive oil. Besides the delicious taste and texture which make olive oil perfect for almost any meal, it contains a powerful mixture of antioxidants that potentially lowers your bad (LDL) without simultaneously decreasing your good cholesterol. Try to add two tablespoons per day to your diet, replacing the oil or fat you are using anyways.

And at last, even though not entirely natural but nevertheless helpful. It is not entirely natural as sterols and stanols don't occur naturally in foods we commonly eat, but today you can find a wide variety of products enhanced with natural sterols and stanols. Typical products are orange juice, margarine and yogurts.

High cholesterol is dangerous and it is crucial to control it at the earliest. To learn about supplements that can naturalcholesteroltreatment.net help lower cholesterol more naturally, I invite you to visit naturalcholesteroltreatment.net naturalcholesteroltreatment.net.

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How Safe Is the Atkins Diet?

The Atkins Diet Seems To Never Go Away

Fad diets come and go, but The Atkins Diet, a high-protein,

low-carbohydrate weight-loss plan, seems never to go away,

no matter how many medical professionals denounce it.

"Low-carb diets have been linked to increased frequency of

colon cancer, formation of kidney stones, kidney disease,

and even osteoporosis," says Neal Barnard, MD, president of

the Physicians Commission for Responsible Medicine, a

nonprofit research group based in Washington. "The weight

loss you see in low-carb diets isn't all that much better

than what you see in studies of low-fat, vegetarian diets."

A Pretty Evil Weight Loss Diet

Putting it more bluntly is Kiku Collins-Trentylon, a sports

trainer in New York City, who says it's "a pretty evil diet.

We all want to sit on our couches, eat nonstop, and have

perfect, sculpted bodies. Unfortunately, it doesn't work

that way."

Meat is the culprit in low-carb diet danger, says Barnard.

"The reason for the health worries is in large part due to

red meat," he says. "People who eat meat every day have

three times greater risk of developing colon cancer. And

then there is the problem of the kidneys. They aren't

designed to work on an oil slick of fat."

Big, Fat, High Protein Controversy

In the summer of 2002, however, both Time magazine and The

Sunday New York Times Magazine have published

much-talked-about stories that say Atkins may not be as bad

for heart health as previously believed. These stories were

sparked in part by a recent study from researchers at Duke

University showing most people who ate a high-protein,

low-carb diet for six months lost 20 pounds.

That much was expected. What wasn't expected was that the

researchers didn't see strong evidence of the diet causing

any health problems. In fact, both LDL "bad" cholesterol and

HDL "good" cholesterol improved.

Low Carb Diet Can Produce Significant Weight Loss

The Duke study shows part of why the diet is so popular, it

can produce significant weight loss. It also produces it

without a lot of annoying calorie counting and the

irritability associated with diets.

Known for Easy Weight Loss

"You're not as hungry as with other diets, and that is a

really good thing," says Jenny Anderson, an Internet

consultant from Mamaroneck, N.Y., who is on the diet. "That

makes it easier to stay on it. So does seeing results fairly

quickly. One bad thing is that it forbids caffeine, and I

had a lot of bad headaches from coffee withdrawal."

Another drawback to the low-carb diet is its severely

limited menu options.

"At first, eggs and bacon in butter for breakfast every day

is fun, but day after day of only meat and fat at every meal

can get tiresome," says Anderson.

So therein lies the controversy. On one hand you have lots

of stories of significant weight loss on a relatively

user-friendly diet. On the other, you have dietitians and

nutritionists who maintain that the weight loss produced is

short-term and can threaten a person's overall health,

despite the fact that the weight loss itself may have the

beneficial effect of lowering cholesterol.

Who is right? Maybe both sides. It provides weight loss at a

very high cost to overall health, or at least that has been

the prevailing medical opinion.

Low Carbohydrate Diet May Not Be As Bad As We Thought

"There have been reports in the medical literature that say

that this low-carb diet may not be as bad as we thought,"

says Susan Barr, registered dietitian in New York City.

"That makes people interested again in this diet, but until

there is more research on what stresses the diet places on

the body, there is no way to know what it might be doing

besides providing short-term weight loss.

You may reprint or publish this article free of charge as

long as the bylines are included.

Original URL (The Web version of the article)

How Safe Is the Atkins Diet? [ageforce.com/atkins.html]

About The Author

Michael Lewis has been collecting articles and information on Weight Loss and HGH (Human Growth Hormone and related health benefits. He has created and edits numerous web sites about this subject. Michael is a staff writer for ageforce.com ageforce.com and several other websites. If you would like to contact Michael you can e-mail him at

Heart Diet - Simple And Smart Facts About a Heart Diet

Nowadays people are always mentioning the word "heart diet". So, what is actually a heart diet? The rise of the heart disease has been a worry to many nations. People have been advise through different kinds of media to practice a healthy heart diet to prevent heart disease.

So, is there such things as healthy heart diet? Many people always misunderstood and have a thought that a diet means like a kind of starvation. It is absolutely not right. A diet is actually a carefully designed way of healthy nutrition. Nutrition which is low in cholesterol, saturated fats and excess sodium is healthy for the entire organism.

Due to the rise of heart disease, people are now more cautious with what they eat. Many of them have decided to change their nutrition habits, lose weight or simply pay more attention towards their entire health status. Because of this, there are plenty of heart diet plan and workout programs arise as an options. It is believe that all these plan and program are here to help us build a healthy heart.

There are actually a few simple and smart facts that you need to know when practicing a healthy heart diet. Below is some of the important facts that will help you have a healthy heart..

It is often said that chocolate is bad for health. That is totally wrong. Research have found out that chocolate is high in antioxidants. It has finally proved that eating chocolate is healthy. But of course, the quantities really matter here. If you eat too much, it will turn you bad. Bear in mind that not every chocolate is healthy for you. Eating dark chocolate, with contain 60% of cocoa and higher, is considered healthy.

Omega 3 is one of the most important nutrient for our heart. Fish is known to be a source which is rich of omega 3, which is essential for everyone's who is practicing a healthy heart diet. Your cholesterol level will go down if the omega 3 level is high. Salmon, sardines, herring, and other fish are rich in omega. Eating fresh (uncooked) fish is one of the best way to consume omega 3. Research even says that even a canned fish had been proven to be healthier than a hamburger.

In your heart diet, it is also important for you to eat more food of high fiber. Besides than fiber, canola and olive oil will create miracles for your heart. No one is stopping you from eating red meat. But, you should always prevail fish and white meat. You should also never miss out foods which is high in vitamin C. This vitamin is very important to help in the produce of collagen, which is essential to keep your arteries elastic.

Exercising is also important to maintain our entire health. Aerobics are one of the great way that can keep your heart beating properly and smoothly. You are advise to do more walking everyday. If it is possible, try to use stairs instead of elevator. Always keep in mind that you have to stay away from the whites which is sugar, flour, salt, and fats It is the heart diet secret of our elderly to stay healthy. Live a healthy lifestyle and keep your body fit with balanced nutrition and frequent exercise.

So, these are just a few simple and smart facts which is very useful that you can add on to your heart diet plan. By paying more attention to these simple facts will lead you far away from contracting with heart disease.

There are actually many other ways to prevent heart disease by following a proper heart-diet.org heart diet but I'm not able to list out and explain each and every one of it here because I have a very limited space to write on this article. So, what I do here is that I have got myself a website on heart diet at heart-diet.org heart-diet.org. Come over now and let me show you how to prevent or even reverse heart disease.

Natural Remedies for High Cholesterol - Lower Your Cholesterol Without Prescription Drugs

It is possible to take care of our bodies without the aid of chemicals. Though natural products have been in favor for hundreds of years some people may have to accept the fact that prescribed medication is the only way forward for them. There are natural remedies for high cholesterol, some quite effective.

Raw garlic cloves that chopped almost to a pulp do not sound very tempting. But eating garlic in this way has major health benefits. Eat three or four cloves of garlic every day and not only will you be lowering your cholesterol levels but you will be helping to keep your blood pressure low.

When you prepare the garlic, you should do it in a certain way. The cloves need to be finely chopped as to resemble a pulp: not very palatable, but very good for your overall health.

Some heath-conscious people like snack on crunchy sunflower seeds. These too are good for your cholesterol. If you have raised cholesterol levels then make sure that you always have a bowl of Sunflower seeds on the kitchen counter.

If you suffer from high cholesterol, that means that you too fat in your blood. However, there is such a thing as good fat and bad fat. Eating more fat would seem to be the wrong way forward. Using olive oil is popular among high cholesterol sufferers. The oil seems to be able to dissolve the bad fats. Also on the plus side, olive oil is full of antioxidants.

While on the subject of oil, studies have shown fish oil to lower triglycerides as well as balancing cholesterol. Just by the way, you don't want to be completely free of cholesterol as you need it to live. What matters is the amount of LDL (bad) cholesterol in your system.

Fiber rich Alfalfa seeds can be included in your everyday diet. Although the Alfalfa seed should never be eaten in large quantity, research states that the Alfalfa seeds are a good preventative measure.

Recent research has shown that the herb psyllium is able to make a significant difference to cholesterol levels. Herbs are relatively easy to add to your daily diet. Most herbs can be mixed into a main meal and go totally unnoticed.

Just as olive oil is crammed with antioxidants, so is grape seed extract. A regular intake of grape seed extract is one of the favored natural remedies for high cholesterol.

Our ancestors relied on herbal remedies. And they work. Nature has always been a great healer. However, there is no substitute for good old-fashioned exercise, even in moderate amounts, on a regular basis. It is also essential to follow a good healthy diet. Of course, if all else fails, take the medication route.

Are looking for natural ways to lower cholesterol? Check out vitaminsandhealthsupplements.com/natural-cholesterol-supplements natural cholesterol supplements now. David Kamau offers free information and tips about vitaminsandhealthsupplements.com vitamins and health supplements at his site.

Symptoms of High Cholesterol - Learn the Common Signs

There are few symptoms of high cholesterol, except in some rare cases. People with familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic disorder, sometimes have cholesterol-containing deposits that can be seen through the skin.

In some of the worst cases, these deposits are disfiguring and can interfere with a person's activities. They are hard yellow nodules that sometimes gather on the joints or ligaments.

Sometimes optometrists can see deposits around the iris or on other parts of the eyes. As people age, optometrists often see drusen in the retina, the light-gathering tissue inside of the eyes. The composition of the drusen includes proteins and fats, part of which may be cholesterol.

Fats or lipids, proteins, fluids and nutrients travel from one part of the body to another via the bloodstream. Triglycerides in the bloodstream contain a combination of fatty acids and glucose. Levels of triglycerides can become elevated when a person eats a high fat diet.

Elevated triglycerides are a risk factor for disease of the heart and circulatory system. The fatty acids can become oxidized or calcified and form clots. The clots can cause a stroke or a heart attack.

Since there are few outward symptoms of high cholesterol, but that and higher triglyceride levels are considered a risk factor for the development of heart disease, most doctors advise screening. The screening involves drawing some blood and sending it to a laboratory for evaluation.

The laboratory evaluates the triglyceride and lipoprotein content of the sample. Lipoproteins are the transport vehicles for cholesterols, fatty acids, proteins and some other nutrients. Lipoproteins are of various densities. The lower density compounds have a high fat and low protein content. The higher density ones contain more protein.

The high density lipoproteins are abbreviated HDL and are sometimes called "good" cholesterols, although the term is not very accurate. The low density lipoproteins are referred to as LDL. A high LDL count, combined with a low HDL count is considered unhealthy.

Arcus senilis is sometimes said to be one of the symptoms of high cholesterol. It is a gray or white arc or complete circle that forms around the edge of the cornea.

The cornea is the clear lens that covers the outside layer of the eyes. The discoloration is often seen in older adults and is composed of fat. But, the arcs are not necessarily symptoms of high cholesterol or high triglycerides. A blood test is really the only way to tell.

When blood levels are determined to be unhealthy, dietary changes, exercise, weight loss, avoiding alcohol or cessation of cigarette smoking are the first recommendations. Doctors sometimes prescribe statin drugs to reduce blood levels, if a person seems unable to balance the levels on their own.

Alternative practitioners and natural health experts often suggest compounds found in plants and herbs. Phytosterols, for example, are compounds found in soy and other foods that compete with cholesterols for absorption in the digestive tract, which effectively lowers the amount absorbed.

Since there may be no symptoms of high cholesterol, high triglycerides or high blood pressure, but those things can damage our hearts and brains, it is important to have a regular checkup with your healthcare professional.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best natural cholesterol supplement, visit my website, where I share the products that have been proven fast, safe and effective in lowering cholesterol naturally.

You can visit my website at no-more-high-cholesterol.com no-more-high-cholesterol.com.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cholesterol Lowering Diets - The Free Way to Live Longer

A normal level of cholesterol is very important because it assures us of a healthier heart and a longer life. As high cholesterol level may cause a stroke or a heart attack, keeping it within the safe range is the wisest thing to do. Although a number of prescription drugs are popular when it comes to moderating crucial levels, cholesterol lowering diets are still the best way to go. They are not only cheaper but they are more effective and much safer too.

People who opt to buy drugs to control their cholesterol levels are ill-advised by their doctors. Drugs may be acceptable if taken for only a short time. They may be used to temporarily assist you as you adjust your lifestyle. However, using them for life may burn a hole in your pocket as well as endanger your health.

Prolonged use of medications may lead to liver failure and other hormonal imbalances. Bear in mind that the human body is not designed for a daily intake of synthetic substances. The more natural you go the better it is for your body.

Cholesterol lowering diets include foods that have no hydrogenated oils and saturated fats. Hydrogenated oils are those found in margarine and all baked goods like cakes and pastries. They are also present in a lot of instant soups and salad dressings. You must take your time to read the labels when you are shopping for groceries to make sure that the products you buy have zero or low amounts of these substances.

Hydrogenated oils belong to a group of ingredients called metabolic disruptors. These interfere with the body's normal metabolism. Our bodies get the energy they need from food through metabolism. Metabolism is the chemical reactions in the body's cells that convert the fuel from food into energy. Energy is needed to do everything from thinking to moving to growing. A disruption to metabolism is a disruption to life.

Saturated fats are those that come from red meat and tropical oils. Remember that you can still consume some of these foods since they also give your body nutrition. However, make sure that you do not go overboard. And when you take meat always choose lean meat. And don't forget to remove all the skin before you cook them.

On the other hand, foods that lower your bad cholesterol are basically fruits and vegetables. Garlic, onion and ginger are also popular in maintaining good cholesterol level. Whole grains like pearled barley, oats, and wheat berries are rich in fiber which also has a cholesterol lowering effect.

Minimize consumption of poultry, cheese, ice cream and whole milk (switch to skimmed milk instead). Replace saturated fats with monounsaturated fats by using olive oil and canola.

In may take some time for you to get used to cholesterol lowering diets. So take one step at a time. It is not going to be easy, but at least you have found a way to live longer, and it is for free.

For more information and ideas, please visit us on the web at thenaturalloweringcholesterol.com/cholesterol-lowering-diets cholesterol lowering diets.

Vincent Siew markets a product for people who worry about having a stroke or a heart attack because they have high cholesterol like he used to have. Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that? Tell him or her to find out more about it today: thenaturalloweringcholesterol.com thenaturalloweringcholesterol.com

All About Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

More than 40 percent of the average Americans suffer from high cholesterol levels. You may already know that high cholesterol levels affect your health by clogging your arteries and increasing the risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke occurring.

But what happens when diet and natural supplements did not give you the results you wanted? If you have determined that your cholesterol levels are still high, with all the diets and supplements, your doctor may prescribe certain drugs to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Besides this, your physician may suggest that you go for a different low-in-fat diet, exercises to maintain a healthy weight, a regular exercise program, and also stop smoking, if there is the case.

Even though there are many drugs that can help lower cholesterol, some of them may be expensive and can produce serious side effects. Consult with your doctor if serious reactions occur, and before starting any drug therapy, take time to read up on the side effects.

Statin drugs

You should discuss the option of statin drugs thoroughly with your physician since these drugs have been pretty successful in lowering cholesterol. However, there is a definite risk associated with these drugs. Examples of statin drugs:

Norvir (ritonavir)

Fortovase (saquinavir)

Pravachol (pravastatin)

Zocor (simvastatin)

Lipitor (atorvastatin)

Baycol (cerivastatin)

Lescol (fluvastatin)

As said before, when you are on any of these statins you may experience some side effects. Some of these side effects include muscle aches for once. If this occurs, you should immediately contact your physician. A higher level of risk from suffering side effects associated with statin drugs encounter individuals that have mild kidney dysfunction. Recently, it has been recommended that if you are on any drug therapy that includes a statin drug (Mevacor, Lescol, Pravachol, Zocor, Lipitor), you should also take Co-Enzyme Q10 as a supplement. Since this necessary enzyme is depleted by taking these drugs, and it is critical that you supplement Co-Q to protect your heart.

Bile acid sequestrates

Colestid (colestipol HCI)

Questran (cholestyramine)

Secreted from the liver and gall bladder in the bile, bile acids go into the intestines in order to soften any type of fatty material but also to help with absorption. A majority of these secreted bile acids are then reabsorbed from the intestines and then back to the liver. The one major drawback of these drugs is the malabsorption.

Jean Helmet is a content editor who focuses on a wide array of niche health topics. Her latest website - cholesterol-product-we-use.com Natural Cholesterol Supplement focuses on cholesterol as a whole, and in particular, a natural product our editors personally use with excellent health results known as - cholesterol-product-we-use.com Cholest-Natural

Be sure to check out our cholesterol-product-we-use.com cholesterol product of choice, it is the natural supplement we use and recommend to friends and family, and have done for over 3 years.

How to Lower Cholesterol With a Change in Diet

It is known that medication and drugs can be harmful to our bodies so it is natural that people prefer to learn how to lower their cholesterol naturally. When using natural methods we are learning how to take control of the problem ourselves in a more efficient way. To lower your cholesterol naturally it is important and beneficial for your life and general health. It reduces heart disease and also any other diseases which may not be good for your body.

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels With A Change Of Diet

Getting rid of excessive body fat deposits in your body which can cause you harm is important. By going on a happinesslifetime.com diet to lower cholesterol is one of the best ways you can lower cholesterol naturally.

You need to begin by looking at a diet that is low in saturated fats, sodium and some carbohydrates. By including these foods in your diet you will not only lower your cholesterol levels but be able to maintain your levels as well. Look at adding omega 3 into your diet as well as it helps to reduce cholesterol as well as control bad cholesterol.

So when looking at your choices in foods you will want to avoid the foods which contribute to cholesterol such as beef, high fat dairy foods and most oils. Also look at your alcohol intake as this will effect your levels as well.

Adding Exercise Into Your Life

A good diet is important in lowering your cholesterol levels but the inclusion of exercise is a must. By exercising you can effectively remove the fat that accumulates in the body. You can also increase your cardiac capacity of your heart which in turn helps with your blood circulation. An effective exercise plan need not mean you send countless hours working out at the gym. All you need to do is go for a 30 minute walk on a daily basis to help keep the fat levels down. Look at swimming and other exercises but remember to consult your doctor first to see which exercise is best suited to you and your condition

The two methods on how to lower cholesterol are best used when your cholesterol levels have not reached high levels. For people that have extremely high levels it is best first to consult your doctor. They will advise the correct course of action for you whether it be a change in diet, increase in exercise or the inclusion of medication or may be a combination of them all.

For more articles on cholesterol and how to lower it please visit: [yourcholesteroldiet.com/]

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol - 4 Deceptively Simple Ways Revealed

Having a low level of bad cholesterol is important for everyone. Approximately 43 million Americans, have been advised by their doctors to lower their levels of LDLs, also known as bad cholesterol. Those numbers are growing daily. There are a few natural ways to lower cholesterol you should try before you decide to take prescription medications.

1.) Shedding Pounds. The obvious solution to a problem that begins with fat is to lose weight. Cholesterol is a build-up of fat in the arteries and the best way to get rid of cholesterol is to get rid of the fat. Even if your doctor prescribes a medication for you, they will still instruct you to cut the fat from your diet and lose some pounds as part of your treatment. It is absolutely essential to lowering your cholesterol. You will be hard pressed to find a solution that does not include weight loss.

2.) Go for a Walk. Doing a cardiovascular exercise is related to weight loss, but for different reasons. High levels of cholesterol are dangerous because of the risks associated with heart attacks and strokes. The way to combat these dangers is to get the cardiovascular system pumping. Getting your heart rate above its normal resting rate for 30 minutes a day will stretch out your arteries and help make the walls more flexible. This allows cholesterol to flow more easily through your pipes.

3.) Discover Fiber. Fiber works to lower cholesterol because it binds to the fatty agents in your digestive system and flushes them out. Water soluble fiber packs the most punch and 15g of fiber will help lower your bad cholesterol between 5-10%. Most water soluble fiber can be easily dissolved into a glass of water, which makes lowering cholesterol as easy as drinking a glass of water!

4.) Choose a Multivitamin. Lowering cholesterol in a safe and natural way is going to need some outside support from our herbal friends. A naturalcholesterolremedies.net natural cholesterol supplement that is targeted at lowering cholesterol and has the right balance of supplements will jump start your results.

These are just a few of the natural ways to lower cholesterol and there are many more out there. I would do as much research as possible to lower your bad cholesterol to a more acceptable level.

There are a lot more ways to lower your bad cholesterol than you might think. In my research I have found that mixing a healthy lifestyle with the best possible cholesterol supplement works wonders.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best natural cholesterol remedies, visit my website, where I share the products that have been proven fast, safe and effective in lowering cholesterol naturally.

You can visit my website at naturalcholesterolremedies.net naturalcholesterolremedies.net/

Discover The Cause Of Low HDL And How You Can Prevent It To Protect Yourself From Heart Disease

Have you ever wondered what the cause of low HDL is? HDL, the good cholesterol, is known for its role in protecting the heart from cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attack. Its counterpart, LDL, is known as the bad cholesterol and has the opposite effect on the body.

Knowing the cause of low HDL is important in order to prevent imbalances in cholesterol. Although HDL is essential for good health, LDL is crucial too in small amounts, which is why it is important to have the right balance between these two kinds of cholesterol.

So what is the cause of low HDL? There are many different factors that can cause low levels of HDL in the body. Among these are lack of exercise and physical activity, obesity, smoking, family history, and poor diet.

A person is said to have low HDL levels when values fall less than 40 mg/dL for men and less than 50 mg/dL for women. A high HDL cholesterol is considered to be good as this offers protection from heart disease.

Knowing the things that can cause low HDL cholesterol can help a person make the necessary changes and adjustments with regard to their lifestyle and diet. For example, if you are overweight, you can start shedding those excess pounds.

If you lack physical activity, make it a point to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. If you are a smoker, it would be best to stop smoking to avoid getting low HDL levels. Eating the right kinds of foods can also help keep not only your HDL levels but also your LDL cholesterol in check.

Make sure you eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, instead of red meat and processed foods, which are not only high in cholesterol but also in fat and sodium as well.

There are also supplements that can lower high LDL while increasing HDL cholesterol at the same time. Look for supplements made with natural and effective ingredients such as policosanol, theaflavins, and rice bran oil, which are safe to take and produce no side effects. These inhibit cholesterol absorption and promote its excretion from the body.

The cause of low HDL varies from person to person. The important thing is to prevent it before it happens, or to address it as soon as possible to avoid health problems and complications in the future.

If you would like to learn more about how you can naturally increase your HDL levels, get great cholesterol levels and fantastic heart health, then visit my website today, where I share what I personally successfully used, and continue to use, for brilliant cholesterol levels and super heart health.

Mary Ruddy is a strong advocate of natural and safe health care and enjoys nothing more than helping others make a positive impact on their lives. To find out more about how you too can improve your health naturally visit her website today at curing-cholesterol.com curing-cholesterol.com/.

Visit her site curing-cholesterol.com curing-cholesterol.com/ to learn the natural and safe way for lowering high cholesterol and raising good cholesterol.

Just What is a Healthy Diet?

There is a ton of conflicting information available today about what is a healthy and nutritious diet, and sometimes it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. Basically, it can be easy to follow a healthy diet by making a few minor adjustments to your current diet.

Most people don't realize the incredible impact that a healthy diet can have on our quality of life. The difference between a good diet and a poor diet can mean the difference between having good health and having poor health. Most people would not knowingly choose poor health, but that is exactly what they are doing by following a poor diet.

Along with regular physical activity, a healthy diet is the single most important factor determining your weight. If a person is overweight, the chances of developing including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues increase significantly.

The first step to a healthy diet is to include food from all food groups, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins in your diet.

It is well documented that a diet containing fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of heart disease, stoke and cancer. It is recommended that you eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

The healthiest vegetables are the dark green vegetables like broccoli and lettuces, and orange vegetables like carrots, sweat potatoes and squash, and red vegetables like peppers and tomatoes.

You should eat a variety of fruits each day. Fresh is better, but canned, dried or frozen will still help with your diet. Limit the amount of fruit juices as they can be high in sugar.

Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, which can reduce you risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes. You should choose whole grain cereals, bread, rice and pasta. Be sure the list of ingredients refers to WHOLE grain.

A diet should include legumes. This includes beans, peas and lentils. These are low in fat, contain no cholesterol and are high in protein. A vegetarian diet needs to include lots of legumes to replace the protein from meats. Legumes are also a good source of fiber.

A healthy diet will limit the amount of meat, and will insure that the meat is lean, containing limited amounts of fat. Limit the amount of red meat, and use more poultry and fish. Do not fry the meat, instead, bake, broil or grill.

Use low-fat dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, cheese or milk. Dairy products lower the risk of diabetes and build strong bones.

Limit the quantities of alcohol, sugars, fats and soft drinks. These can contribute to many diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease and many forms of cancer.

There are a variety of foods that should not be present in your diet except in very small amounts. These foods, such as sugars, alcohol, and some fats, contribute to diseases and poor health.

Some fats are healthy when used in moderate amounts. Monounsaturated fats (olive oil, flaxseed oil, peanut oil and avocados) and polyunsaturated fats (safflower, sesame, and sunflower seeds) will raise your good cholesterol levels. Use these fats when cooking to improve your health.

Other fats are detrimental to your health, and should be limited, if not eliminated entirely. Saturated fat and trans fatty acids raise your bad cholesterol levels, contributing to your risk of heart disease.

Trans fatty acids are found in most cooking oils, shortening and margarine. Trans fatty acids are found in fried foods. Saturated fats are found in beef, veal, lamb and pork, which is why fish and chicken are a healthier choice. Saturated fats are also found in lard, butter, cream and whole milk dairy products.

Always check the labels before purchasing, and make sure the ingredients do not include saturated fats, trans fatty acids or hydrogenated fats.

It is not difficult to follow a healthy diet. A few simple changes to your diet can provide you with better health, a longer life and more energy.

To learn more about dieting and healthy eating go to Sydney?s website, weightloss.best-info-online.com weightloss.best-info-online.com which has a wealth of information about losing weight and healthy dieting tips. She recommends healthyweightlossreview.com healthyweightlossreview.com for a method that will help you lose weight.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

High Cholesterol Information

The heart is a very impressive organ; it beats an average of one hundred thousand times a day. There is two to three ounces of blood that flows through your vascular system with every beat. The vascular system consists of some sixty thousand miles of arteries, veins and capillaries.

However, no matter how impressive the heart is, its efforts will not do much good if the great vascular highway is clogged up. Unfortunately, millions of people have a build-up of cholesterol and other fatty substances in the arteries that hamper the flow of blood and promote the development of blood clots. Over a long period, it can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases of the vascular system.

Cholesterol itself is not harmful. Actually, this waxy substance plays a big role in our health and well-being. The body produces cholesterol daily to manufacture cell membranes, bile acids, a range of sex hormones, and vitamin D. Cholesterol only becomes a problem when it rises to unhealthy levels in the blood.

There are two types of cholesterol:

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the dangerous one. When high levels of LDL are present in the blood, it promotes the development of a dense, fatty layer called plaque on the artery walls. Over the years, the plaque gets thicker and makes it harder for blood to flow through the arteries. Plaque is also a promoter of blood clots that can slow or stop the flow of blood. Try to keep your LDL level below 100.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good one. It is responsible for removing the excess LDL from the blood and transferring it to the liver for discarding. Try to keep HDL above 40.

To avoid trouble, do your best to keep your total cholesterol level, which is the sum of HDL, LDL, and other blood fats, below 200.

Seeking professional care

As you know, uncontrolled high cholesterol can be a serious health problem. If possible, try to have your cholesterol tested at least every six months. If your total cholesterol reading is above 200, your physician may want to test you every three months, while he or she works with you to try to get it within a healthier range.

Unfortunately, many doctors put their patients on cholesterol lowering medications before trying to lower the numbers through natural means. You can have success with a combination of diet, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes.

High cholesterol is one of the lifestyle diseases that can be cured and reversed naturally. Therefore, try to find a natural health oriented physician to treat this condition. Most cholesterol lowering drugs take months to lower your cholesterol levels only a few points, while people who use diet and lifestyle changes could drop their levels by a whopping 100 points in a matter of weeks. Cholesterol lowering medication also does damage to the liver.

Find out how to lower your high cholesterol naturally without harmful drugs:

hhesonline.com/natural_remedies/natural-remedies-for-high-cholesterol.htm Natural Remedies For High Cholesterol -or- old home remedies [homeremediesnaturalcures.com]

Eating a Low Cholesterol Diet Can Improve Your Health

A glazed donut and large cup of latte for breakfast; a double cheeseburger, mega-sized order of

fries and a 20-ouce soda for lunch; and then a 12-ounce steak and a baked potato drowning in

butter and sour cream for dinner. Oh, and don't forget the bag of potato chips and chocolate bar

you had for a snack. Sound like a healthy diet to you? Of course not! But whether we want to

admit it many of us do not eat a healthy diet. By changing just a few of your eating habits,

however, we can both lower our cholesterol and improve our overall health.

Most people cringe when their doctor tells them they need to start eating a happinesslifetime.com low cholesterol diet.

While it is important to cut down on the cholesterol in your diet, you are not limited to eating just

twigs and berries. A few minor changes in your diet can drastically cut the cholesterol you

consume daily.

Instead of a donut and cup of coffee for breakfast, for instance, start your day with a glass of fruit

juice and bowl of cereal. If you want to go more hard core than that, try eating oatmeal or

shredded wheat. The high fiber content in these cereals is believed to help lower cholesterol.

Other good breakfast choices are fruits or yogurt. These foods give your body the nutrients it

needs to keep going throughout the day without all the fat and sugar of donuts and such.

Because of our modern job schedules, most of us are forced to grab something quick for lunch.

This is why so many people wind up eating fast food for their noonday meal. Fast food is

synonymous with unhealthy food. Since today's population has become more health conscious,

however, even fast food restaurants are offering options that are healthier than the traditional

fare. Instead of a greasy hamburger and fries, choose a cold cut sandwich or a salad. Even better

would be to pack a lunch from home which could include fresh fruit, raw vegetables, baked

potato chips and a low fat sandwich or entrée.

Supper is often a challenging meal also because many of us are too worn out from our daily jobs

to cook a healthy dinner. Even if you choose to eat out for dinner there are some healthy choices

you can make here also. Instead of having a steak, choose grilled chicken or fish. These meats

have less cholesterol than steaks or red meats. Also choose low fat butter and sour cream for your

potato. You might even skip the potato altogether in favor of a salad or steamed vegetables.

Small changes can make a big difference when you are trying to lower your cholesterol. Don't try

to make changes too quickly, however, as eating habits are difficult to break. Giving up all high

fat foods all at once can be a shock to your system. It will be easier if you make small changes

over time, you will see results both in your cholesterol and your health in general.

Get the latest in low cholesterol diet know how from the only true source at lowercholesterollog.com lowercholesterollog.com

Check out our lowercholesterollog.com/lowcholesteroldiet.html low cholesterol diet pages.

Low Cholesterol Diet - How Vital Is It For Diabetics?

A happinesslifetime.com low cholesterol diet is tremendously vital for diabetics. There are two types of cholesterol; there is HDL (good) cholesterol and the LDL (bad) cholesterol. When you consume foods that are high in saturated fats you will increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in your system, which will put you at risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Following is a brief description of the two different types of cholesterol that are carried around in your blood:

High-density cholesterol (HDL) cholesterol- This is the good cholesterol and the reason is that it actually helps to remove the excess cholesterol in your cells, which also include the cells in your arteries
Low-density cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol- This is the bad cholesterol because when the levels of cholesterol in your bloodstream are high it can clog up your arteries. This cholesterol is the one that carries most of the cholesterol into your cells

Your body produces it's own cholesterol so you need to keep this in mind when choosing which foods to eat. Cholesterol is produced by your liver as well as by most of the cells in your body. It is then carried around in your blood by what is called lipoproteins. The following list shows you why the body needs blood cholesterol:

It allows the building structure of the cell membranes
Allows your metabolism to work effectively and efficiently by producing vitamin D
It will makes the hormones called oestrogen, testosterone and the adrenal hormones
It allows production of the bile acids that help your body digest fat as well as the absorption of essential nutrients

It is vital for diabetics to be on a happinesslifetime.com low cholesterol diet because one of the many complications of this disease is heart disease and stroke. By eating foods that are high in saturated fats can be very harmful and cause you these complications.

The types of foods that contain cholesterol are eggs, and food that come from animal products that are rich in fat like meats and dairy products. It is important to remember that foods that come from animals all contain some cholesterol where foods that come from plants are very good for you as they do not contain any cholesterol.

Following are some guidelines for your happinesslifetime.com low cholesterol diet:

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables each day
Always choose lean meats
Always choose the low variety of dairy products
Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats
Avoid all processed foods
Avoid snack foods like cakes, biscuits, chips and pastries
Eat foods that are high in soluble fibre and the healthy fats like legumes, seeds and nuts
Try to eat fish twice a week
Drink plenty of water each day, and
Limit your alcohol and salt intake

By implementing these guidelines to your happinesslifetime.com low cholesterol diet you can see how it is vital for diabetics so that you can avoid the complications of this terrible disease.

Sue Kennedy is the author of the physician-endorsed e-book "Defeat Diabetes Now," and operates a membership channel devoted to health & wellness. Readers of her book also receive instant access to expert interviews, articles, diet plans and other resources designed to maintain optimum health and prevent disease. Learn how you can defeatdiabetesnow.com.au defeat diabetes now.

What Makes Any Diet for Lower Cholesterol Effective?

What really makes any diet for lower cholesterol effective? If you really think about it, maintaining a well-balanced cholesterol level isn't such a difficult task. All you need is some knowledge and a lot of determination. It all comes down to sticking to your decision to live a healthier lifestyle - whether preferring the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther from your workplace, or eating nutritious homemade meals instead of dining out or opening a processed or canned food that contains a lot of preservatives and unhealthy fats.

Once you start making positive changes to the way you live, soon enough you'll notice how your body reacts and how it becomes a lot healthier as the days progress. Even the smallest effects of following a simple yet effective happinesslifetime.com low cholesterol diet and a moderate but regular exercise regimen will all add up and your body's health starts to become better bit by bit.

Note that getting your most desired results with your health won't happen overnight. Ads of health supplements that exaggerate their claims to give "miracle results" in just a few weeks all just want to attract customers to buy their products. Most probably, any kind of (effective and with no-side effect) supplement, diet plan, or exercise program you'll try will show results only after a while after your body has recovered from its defect; and usually, this takes some time and a constant commitment from you. No matter how good your lower cholesterol diet plan is, it all comes down to sticking to it and following it every single day. For this you have to be very patient and disciplined. Be consistent so as to properly maintain a healthy level of cholesterol in your body.

You also have to think holistically and prefer an all-inclusive plan that combines diet and exercise to make significant changes with your health. Usually, an eclectic combination of cholesterol lowering methods will make things easier for you to balance your cholesterol levels and generally live a healthier lifestyle.

First is cutting down on your cholesterol intake especially your intake of high LDL "bad cholesterol" foods. Next, incorporate healthier alternatives like eating oily fish, (skinless) chicken breast, nuts, olive oil, beans, whole grains, oatmeal, berries, fruits, and vegetables as healthier (and more nutritious) substitutes to high-cholesterol foods. You can also change the way your food is cooked like avoiding unhealthy fried foods as well as processed prepackaged ones. Lastly, aside from limiting your calorie/ cholesterol intake, you can also increase your physical activity to expend your extra fats/ cholesterol as usable energy in order to reduce your cholesterol level.

As added means, you can also include taking natural supplements as well as vitamins and minerals to complete your healthy diet for lower cholesterol; these will boost your body to operate properly and also help protect it from related deadly diseases.

For more information about diet for lower cholesterol, you can search this eBook (Natural and Safe Cholesterol-Busters) at read-it-for-free.com read-it-for-free.com 100% FREE

Cholesterol and Penis Size - What You Should Know?

First of all, let us find out a little bit more about cholesterol. A lot of people throw about the term very loosely without knowing what exactly they are talking about. Cholesterol, in simple lay man terms, is a waxy substance that is found in the cell membranes of your body. It is transported in the blood plasma and is responsible for various things like production of vital acids and vitamins in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol in the human body. Good and bad. The good cholesterol is what is called HDL cholesterol and the bad cholesterol is what is called as LDL cholesterol. For the average human body, doctors advice that you should keep your combined cholesterol level, that is both good and bad, at less than 200. 200 - 239 is considered medium risk and anything over 240 is downright dangerous.

It will take a few more articles to further explain the details of cholesterol but I will cut to the point where cholesterol could be related to the size of your penis. High cholesterol levels in the body result in narrowing of the arteries. Arteries are like tubes that carry blood to your vital organs. Unhealthy high fat diets, consumption of junk foods, alcohol and even smoking can cause high cholesterol levels. When your arteries start to narrow, the vital organs start to get less and less blood to a point where they begin to malfunction.

The arteries into the penis are the narrowest arteries in the human body. In other words, they are already narrow even if you have a really good cholesterol levels and follow a healthy diet. Once your arteries start to clog, the penis is the first organ in the body that is affected as it starts to receive less and less blood. The size and performance of the penis basically depend on the amount of blood it can receive and hold. The penis has three large chambers in it that hold blood. The quality of blood flow into them is what will determine the quality of your erection and size. This is one of the biggest reasons why premature ejaculation is such a common problem these days.

Most adult men have less than desirable cholesterol levels and therefore suffer from low quality blood flow into the penis. The result is premature ejaculation problems and erectile dysfunction (ED). Another effect is that the penis is less than its optimum size.

It is always a good idea to get your cholesterol levels checked every couple of years to find out if you are in the danger zone. If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculations, it might be a warning from your body that your cholesterol levels are increasing. Start maintaining a good diet and exercise routine to keep your cholesterol levels in check.

Did you know that blood flow into the penis can be revitalized with the help of maleenhancementreviewssite.com male enhancement exercises for the penis. These exercises will take up about 10 minutes of your day everyday for the next 5-9 weeks but will result in a better performing and also a maleenhancementreviewssite.com larger penis in weeks.

Nick Stevens is an Expert in Natural Male Enhancement.

Heart Disease and Your Diet

When you are living with heart disease, the most important things you can do to reverse your risk might be some of the most simple things. You will need to talk to your doctor about losing weight, for instance. Adding just a moderate amount of physical activity to your day can do wonders for your health over the long-term, but heart disease and diet go hand in hand. Like it or not, it is time to take a hard look at the foods you eat and start making some changes for the sake of your well-being. You may be afraid to start a heart-healthy diet. Perhaps you are under the impression that it will take all the joy out of food. Fortunately, this is from the truth.

Traditionally, experts have warned about the dangers of fatty foods when it comes to heart disease. But as we have begun to find in recent years, not all fats are created equal. Some are much worse for you than others. Hydrogenated fats are the worst. These are also called trans fatty acids, or just trans-fats. On a food label, you might see the term "partially hydrogenated" which is just as unhealthy. Unfortunately, trans-fats are found in many widely-available, processed foods. Hydrogenation is a process that takes place in the factory, not in nature. Simply put, stay away from these fats. They have been shown to clog the arteries and are a leading cause of high cholesterol. In fact, a recent study showed that women who replaced only two percent of their calories from trans-fats with natural fats had a drastically lower risk of getting heart disease.

So, the bad news is that you will need to get rid of processed foods, but the good news is that a diet free of processed food can still include some saturated fats. Saturated fats are those that make food so tasty and are found in products made from whole milk, like butter, yogurt, rich cheeses and ice cream. You will also get a big dose of saturated fat in red meat and poultry skins. If you are concerned about heart disease and diet, you should not eat excessive amounts of saturated fats just simply because you have eliminated trans-fats. However, this does mean that good old fashioned butter, in moderate amounts, is better for you than margarine.

Experts recommend that about thirty percent of your daily calories come from fat with only seven percent of those calories from saturated fat. Although this is the official line, there is another school of thought that says that saturated fat is not nearly as harmful as many have supposed. In fact, there is a large body of evidence to suggest that there is virtually no link between heart disease and a diet high in saturated fats. This might suggest that, if you are eating well-balanced meals with plenty of proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, ice cream and bacon are not going to kill you.

When you are planning a heart-healthy diet, it is important to be sensible. Keeping your weight down and engaging in cardiovascular activity is definitely helpful. Eating a well-balanced diet is helpful. But, if you try to eat a very low-fat diet, you might get frustrated if you cannot maintain it. If this is the case, it is important to think about the kinds of fats you do choose to eat.

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Take These Five Steps to Naturally Reduce Cholesterol

If you're trying to reduce cholesterol or simply eager to maintain a healthy body then there are a few steps you can take that don't require prescription medication, expensive super foods or ridiculous diets. Keeping your cholesterol low is important to maintain a healthy heart, affects millions every year and is an issue which despite being largely ignored over history has now been recognised as holding just as much importance as many of the other modern day health issues that you read about.

Here are 5 steps that will help you reduce cholesterol.

1. This step requires a little motivation from you but the benefits are two-fold; lower cholesterol levels AND a leaner, shapelier body for you to be proud of - Exercise. Not only is this a natural method to reduce cholesterol, but also free. You don't need to pay membership for a fancy gym and you're not required to fork out for a personal trainer. With a small amount of determination try running or walking for a period of no less than 40 minutes at least four times a week. Exercise has been shown to set off a series of enzymatic reactions in your body which increase HDL levels, known as the good cholesterol, which in turn, help to reduce the levels of LDL, the bad cholesterol.

2. Step 2 is a little more difficult to achieve and largely depends on your personal circumstances; Stress. Stress raises your cholesterol level so it is vital that stress at work, or home is reduced. The previous step is a solid method of reducing stress but if you can try and occasionally take a breather from your high pressure job or dedicate a little more time every day for "personal" time then it will help. Now I understand that you can't always relax at work, especially if you're in a position of responsibility and if you have children you won't necessarily be able to leave them alone. However, perhaps if you could find time to engage in some sort of relaxation then you might find it helps. Yoga is ideal for this as it allows you to relax, take a little time for yourself and is great for your body.

3. There is also a school of thought that says certain herbs can assist you reduce cholesterol. There is an ancient Indian medicine found in the gum of the Myrrh tree, called Gugulip, which is able to lower LDL by approximately a tenth.

4. You can also take naturally occurring plant compounds. There are some plant compounds that prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol. Their chemical composition is similar to that of cholesterol so fool the body into thinking it has enough and force the body into blocking further cholesterol from being absorbed. Try eating certain nuts like pistachios and sesame seeds amongst others for a source.

5. Finally, there is another naturally occurring spice, also commonly found in Indian food; Turmeric. Turmeric is the yellow coloured ingredient that you probably already have sitting in your cupboards at home, or if not, is easily sort at your local shop. Turmeric contains cur cumin which directly affects the production of LDL in you intestine and is another method you could try.

As with all health concerns you may have, you can consult your doctor. This won't necessarily result in you being issued prescription medication but is it is certainly something you should consider before partaking in a concerted drive to reduce cholesterol.

Mike Alford is the creator and editor of reducecholesterolsecrets.com ReduceCholesterolSecrets.com. Read more invaluable information about how to reducecholesterolsecrets.com/reduce-cholesterol reduce cholesterol by visiting his website and reading the plethora of articles it contains. You can then subscribe to the 10-part Cholesterol Reduction Mini-Course within the site.

Diet Plans Comparable to Medifast

I sometimes get questions from folks who want a list of diets, weight loss systems, or health food plans that are like or comparable to medifast. There are many reasons that people want to know this. Maybe they are researching their options and want to make sure that they are making the absolute best choice. Perhaps they've been able to identify what they've liked or didn't like on previous diets and are looking to make sure that the diet that they pick is going to match their personality a little better. Or, maybe they're wanting the cheapest or most cost effective diet and want to make sure that this is what they are getting. No matter why they are asking the question, I always try to give a complete answer, which I'll go over in the following article.

Low Carb Diets Like Atkins Or South Beach: People are sometimes surprised when I list these two diets as comparable to medifast but they really are. Here's why. Sure, this is a low calorie diet and I'm sure that this does help greatly with the results, but I honestly believe that it works so well because of ketosis (which is the metabolic phase which requires high amounts of protein and low amounts of carbohydrates to wake up your body's fat burning abilities. ) I attribute almost all of my success with this diet on the fact that it's a rare occasion that I am bumped out of ketosis and I can see this very clearly by using ketone strips.

So yes, this is technically a low carb diet, but it isn't typical. I had previous success on Atkins but like many people, I worried about fat and cholesterol. Plus, I enjoy protein and meats as much as the next person, but I also like snacks and sweets regularly so I don't feel as though I'm in a rut or am being deprived. And, trying to make regular foods out of proteins gets old. Who wants squash spaghetti or cream cheese based desserts any time you want to splurge?

I find medifast to be preferable to south beach and Atkins simply because I do get to have my snacks and carbs. I get to eat oatmeal and have shakes and chocolate, peanut, or caramel bars. I can also create cookies, muffins and other baked goods from the plan's foods. I like the convenience of having most of my meals prepared for me and while I do prepare one meal each day on my own, I'm eating more regular foods that don't require anything overly special and am not having to try to pass protein alternatives off for carbohydrate snacks and foods. Making each meal without any carbs gets rather old pretty quickly.

Other Prepackaged Diets Like Jenny Craig And Nutrisystem: On the other side of the coin are the meal replacement plans which are in theory similar to medifast. There are a lot of similarities between these happinesslifetime.com weight loss plans. All three mostly provides you with your meals. All three have a low amount of calories and carbohydrates while maintaining a high amount of protein and fiber. And all three have you eating very regularly (from five to six times per day.)

There are some differences in the details, however. Jenny Craig is relatively more expensive (it has sign up fees) and it requires you to go to a clinic for accountability and counseling. You also must buy your meals at the clinic. Some people like this support and others find this to be a bit stifling and too much commitment for those with a busy life.

Nutrisystem, while being very similar, requires more preparation. You are asked to add in sides that you prepare yourself with each and every meal. With medifast, you only have to prepare the one meal so you're not working as hard, at least in my opinion. And you also have less vulnerable places where you can make mistakes of what you are adding in.

Medifast Costs Less Than Most Comparable Diets: Many people who want lists or articles about diets like this one ask because they are trying to save money. But they are often surprised to know that medifast is the least expensive of all these diets. With Atkins and South Beach, you're having to buy a bunch of groceries and need to prepare each and every meal. Jenny Craig charges a sign up fee and their meals run at least $11 per day. Nutrisystem is often around $8 - $10 per day and requires more groceries because you have to add in foods at every meal.

At $8 per day if you are using coupons, Medifast is the cheapest at first glance and also more cost effective when looked at closely because you are only having to shop for the groceries for one meal each day. Whether this turns out to be the right diet for you depends greatly on how much food preparation you want to do and how much accountability and support that you think you want or need.

Lindsey Price is the author of the free ebook "Getting The Most Out Of Medifast," which includes coupons and discounts, a list of all of the food options, detailed information about the diet and how it works, it's pros and cons, having success on it, and recipes for it. To get a free copy (immediate download/no information required), easiest-diet.com/medifast click here. You can also visit her diet review website at easiest-diet.com/medifast easiest-diet.com/medifast