Thursday, April 25, 2013

Acceptable Cholesterol Levels Can Protect You Against Heart Disease By Following These Simple Steps

Acceptable cholesterol levels are those where there is less risk for heart complications such as heart disease, heart attack, stroke, or other health complications.

The acceptable level isn't necessarily the best level because of the fact that risks still exist, and will continue to exist unless levels are improved even further.

There are a number of ways that acceptable cholesterol levels can be achieved.

Before we discuss those methods, however, it is important to have a complete understanding of what both types of cholesterol are responsible for.

Good cholesterol, or HDL, is responsible for picking up excess bad cholesterol, or LDL, and moving it through the blood stream to the liver where it is to be processed.

Ideally, the good cholesterol makes up around 30% of all cholesterol found within the body at a given time.

The bad cholesterol, or LDL, is used in the digestive process and helps to produce hormones, vitamin D, and other substances that are used during the process.

Sometimes an excess amount of LDL is produced which eventually sticks to the lining of the arteries only to become part of the build up which is known as plaque.

This plaque build up is what causes the shrinking of the arteries, which can lead to heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and a number of other heart complications.

In order to avoid the risks associated with high bad cholesterol levels, one must strive to achieve acceptable cholesterol levels, or even better, exceptional cholesterol levels.

This can be done in a number of natural and artificial ways.

One of the most natural defences against high bad cholesterol is a well-balanced diet.

A well-balanced diet should consist of healthy foods that are low in saturated fat and other harmful substances.

Foods such as fruits and vegetables, grains, oats, and other healthy items should be substituted for those that are high in fat, cholesterol, calories, and sodium.

A well-balanced diet will help achieve acceptable cholesterol levels as well as help reduce or eliminate excess weight gain.

Another valuable defence against less than desirable cholesterol levels is exercise.

Exercise, when performed on a regular basis, can help burn off excess fat and calories and can prevent the storage of excess cholesterol which in turn will reduce the risk of increased LDL cholesterol numbers.

There are also recommended natural supplements that you can take to increase the HDL cholesterol numbers and decrease the LDL cholesterol numbers.

If you are ready to achieve acceptable cholesterol levels to protect yourself against heart disease, then visit my website today for quality information to guide you to success.

Mary Ruddy is a former high cholesterol sufferer, from a family with a history of heart disease, and has successfully achieved perfect cholesterol levels, reversing and eliminating the risk of heart disease, and is a strong advocate of natural health care. Mary enjoys introducing people to the best natural products she can find and uses herself daily at:

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