Friday, May 17, 2013

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally and Quickly?

Those who have high levels of cholesterol would usually ask how to lower cholesterol naturally. Cholesterol levels increase as people grow older, which means that those who had low cholesterol levels a few years ago may have high cholesterol today. Although there are certain medicines available that can help people lower their level of cholesterol, these can cause some side effects.

More often than not, the ways on how to lower cholesterol naturally focus on adopting a healthier lifestyle. If one wants to lower his/her cholesterol level faster, it is also important to set a certain target level of cholesterol.This lets him/her know how much cholesterol he/she needs to lose.

The first step is to be more active. Physical activity helps people with high cholesterol lower their LDL ("bad cholesterol") and increase their HDL ("good cholesterol"). Brisk walking or even getting up and 5 minute walk breaks every hour can help increase HDL by as much as 10%.

The second step on how to lower cholesterol naturally is to cut down on the saturated fats and trans fats. These are 2 ingredients in most animal-based food products such as eggs and meat. Instead of using butter or cooking oil, one can substitute olive oil or even canola oil when cooking meals.

Fish is a good substitute for those who are having a hard time cutting back on meats. Fish have omega-3 fatty acids that help remove those unhealthy triglycerides and cholesterol in the body. Other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts and soybeans. Eating fish is another good way of how to lower cholesterol naturally.

Caffeine helps raise a person's level of cholesterol. Those who want to know the ways on how to lower cholesterol naturally should stick to drinking water, but they can have a cup of coffee a day. Losing weight is another way to reduce cholesterol naturally and quickly. Studies have shown that overweight people have higher risks of having high cholesterol levels. By exercising or being physically active and adopting a healthier diet, overweight people have a better chance of achieving their cholesterol level.

Quitting smoking is another way on how to lower cholesterol naturally, because it prevents arteries from hardening. Hardened arteries are dangerous for those with high level of cholesterol, because these increase the risk of developing heart disease. Finally, cutting back on refined foods and sweets would help to reduce cholesterol.

Now that you know how to lower cholesterol naturally, what are you waiting for? Make the necessary lifestyle changes and watch your cholesterol levels drop!

The important tips on how to lower cholesterol naturally is to know what high cholesterol foods to avoid. If you are aware of what these foods are, there is no reason why you can't bring down your cholesterol levels to desirable levels. Visit now to find out ways to reduce your cholesterol.

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