Sunday, May 19, 2013

How to Reduce Cholesterol Without Drugs?

Medication is an effective means to reduce cholesterol but there are no drugs without side effects. Some common side effects related to high cholesterol medication are nausea, muscle pain, neuropathy and even memory loss.

The safest way to reduce cholesterol is still through proper diet. Cholesterol is not really bad for the body in fact it's needed for our body to function normally. Bad diet, lack of exercise, obesity and sometimes genes contribute to high cholesterol. However the most common reason is definitely unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle.

To reduce cholesterol it's important to eat food low in saturated fats and high in fiber. Fruits and vegetables are low in fats and act as a sponge that absorbs bad cholesterol. Aside from healthy diet you should also avoid too much alcohol and smoking. It's a fact that smoking is bad for the health and can cause cancer and increase the risk of heart disease. Alcohol can reduce cholesterol but it should be in moderation.Quit smoking is definitely one of the better way you can reduce cholesterol level quickly.

Of course it can be hard to go on a diet especially if you really like foods high in cholesterol. What you can do is have some substitution. Skim milk, butter and oil are rich in saturated fats. You don't have to eliminate them on your diet. There are low fat milk and butter available in the market, buy those instead. If you are using coconut or palm oil switches to olive oil or canola oil. Bake or grill your food instead of frying. Eat more seafood like salmon, tuna and mackerel. If you can't avoid eating red meat at least remove the fats. Remove the skin when you take chicken. Those simple things will definitely help to reduce cholesterol intake.

Sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise contributes to high cholesterol. Most of the time when busy with work we always give usual excuse either don't have the time or too tired to exercise. You don't have to devote lots of time exercising. Thirty minutes a day is fine. You can exercise while watching TV or instead of using the elevator you can use the stair. You don't even have to do vigorous exercise, a simple jogging or even walking will do.

You can talk to your doctor and nutritionist to help you out with diet and exercise program that fits you. Lifestyle change and proper diet will definitely help reduce cholesterol.

You can reduce cholesterol by diet if you know what high cholesterol foods to avoid. If you are aware of what these foods are, there is no reason why you can't bring down your cholesterol levels to desirable levels. Visit now to find out ways to reduce your cholesterol.

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