Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Critics and South Beach Diet

Wellness and fitness is the new age mantra that has got everyone under its grip. Everybody is following the latest diet pattern to shed those extra kilos.

Among the many diets, that have gained popularity is the South Beach diet. Cardiologist Arthur Agatston, MD, director of the Mount Sinai Cardiac Prevention Center in Miami Beach is the founder of the South Beach diet. It is based upon the principle that the body should get its share of carbohydrates. But those following the South Beach should allow only the good carbohydrates and stay away from bad carbohydrates. This translates into staying away from potatoes, rice, pasta etc. The diet is based on the thinking that the right kind of carbohydrates and fats can help people to control weight and appetite.

But even South Beach diet has had its share of criticism. The first criticism is that it disrupts regular bowl movements. The South beach diet stresses on having food items that are very low in fibre and much importance is put on having meat, which is again rich in proteins but low in fibre. Fibre plays an important role in the formation of stools and also promotes healthy bowel movements. In the absence of fibre, many will be forced to take dietary laxatives.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to Live, states that the South Beach Diet is like a yo-yo diet. On one hand it aptly seeks to reduce the quantity of white flour and sugar that is so commonly found in the dietary pattern of the common American. But at the same time Dr. Fuhrman disapproves of not substituting the carbohydrates with legumes, fruits etc. He also feels that the addition of animal proteins is another minus point of the diet.

Critics also argue that the emphasis laid on the consumption of commercial pasteurized milk is another minus point with South Beach diet. Many people are allergic to pasteurized casein and the worse thing is that the awareness level is low. The consumption of commercial pasteurized milk will only worsen the case for many.

Critics also argue that the South beach diet does not lay enough stress on exercise. Exercise is an important component is any weight loss program. However, Dr. Agatston states that only 20 minutes of exercise is sufficient. Critics are of the opinion that 20 minutes of exercise is appropriate for a person whose weight falls under the recommended level. For obese or over-weight people, 20 minutes will not suffice. The critic are of the opinion that the South Beach diet does not stresses on the importance of exercise and also does not give much weight to exercise in its diet plan. Most of the experts are of the opinion that exercise should form an integral part of any diet plan as it helps to improve the metabolism of the body and aids in proper digestion.

South beach diet also fails to improve the cholesterol level and halt the intake of statin drugs. This is another criticism levelled against South Beach. Dr. Agatston, the founder of South Beach diet himself has admitted taking statin drugs for controlling his cholesterol. A good and balanced diet should possess the capability of controlling cholesterol.

Thus there are many critics who have pointed the existence of serious flaws with the South Beach diet. However, the reality is that it is a rage among diet aficionados.

You can also find more information on south beach diet success stories and Origin of South Beach diet. is a comprehensive resource to know more about South beachdiet club.

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